In the latest enlightening episode of "Your Star Path to Success", our Trusted Authority for the New Era, Kim Woods, explores the profound mysteries and transformative potentials of the 888 Lionsgate. This episode offers...
There is no distance, no time or space in seeing what is; And what is speaks for itself, which means no thought is required to understand what is being revealed in the space of...
The theme of releasing clutter is top-of-mind these days. Magazines write about it; articles appear in newspapers; and, of course, there's the internet. There are several methods for dealing with clutter: the KonMari method,...
In our journey of spiritual growth, we often come face to face with the powerful lesson of letting go. It beckons us to release that which no longer serves us, allowing space for new...
Twenty years ago, my husband and I lived on a piece of land, about an acre in size. Summer time was always gorgeous because, along with planting an array of flowers, we also planted...
Have you ever considered how information, whether accurate or not, has shaped your views and judgments over time? How ready are you to let go of beliefs that no longer hold true and search...
Beloved ones we greet you,
As the winds of change sweep across your earth plane you are being realigned through the sacred configuration of planets, which lined up with your planet, Earth. At the juncture...
Two kinds of reality exist in our world - sensory reality and clairvoyant (spiritual) reality. Both are equally real and shade into one another like the colours of the rainbow. Most of us conduct...
You are a Divine Being having a human experience. You are here to learn, to grow and to deepen your capacity to love. During this human experience, you will have things you need to...
Are there stories you were told that still influence you negatively? Maybe it shows up as self-sabotaging choices or behavior?
This time of the year, we experience longer hours of sunshine in the northern hemisphere....
A seminal study done in 1979 by Harvard psychologist Ellen Langer entitled "Counterclockwise" explored the question of environments and how they can impact people. As you'll read, she unknowingly was exploring the Feng Shui...
Beloved ones we greet you,
There is a natural vast shift within the rhythm of pure light that is creating a series of layered transformational structures to anchor throughout the earth plane. These multi-dimensional shifts...
The new moon is a powerful time for renewal, intention-setting, and spiritual connection. Integrating sacred geometry and crystals into intuitive art during this lunar phase can significantly amplify your intentions and manifestations. This practice...
Our lives, as they are, are less than half of what they are intended to be. We can recognize that something is clearly missing. Often, even though we come up with: "It's him," "It's...
“Uranus, the lightning bolt, the unexpected surprise, the changing energy that wants you to break free meets with Jupiter, the star of good fortune, creating success and luck. This is a really good time...
Are there self-improvement and/or health-promoting actions/practices which you fear to do or take part in?
In the spirit of the right thing for the right healthful sake, regularly do a thing that you most fear...
We are all interconnected via a complex, intricate geometric based grid system that we can call the Divine Matrix. All souls, all planets and stars, all living consciousness in all timelines, dimensions and universes...