
Pleiadian Messages

Pleiadian message for August 2021

Pleiadian Message for August 2021

Beloved ones we greet you, A higher light is becoming manifest throughout your earth plane, building in layers and expanding its frequency in increments, aligning within the network of grids on Earth. The light is cascading,...
Pleidian message for July 2021

Pleiadian Message for July 2021

Hello, I have been imprinted by the powerful essence of the Covenant, which anchored on Earth late last month. The energy of the Galactic Receiving Station on our land has been shifting dimensionally, expanding...
Pleiadian message I Am

A Pleiadian Message: I Am

The most powerful statement you can make are the words I Am. These simple words, spoken consciously, activate a truth. These words make a statement to the Universe of you owning your unique divine...

A Pleiadian Message: Awakening to Self-empowerment

Beloved ones, we greet you. A grand transformation of your Earth’s energetic makeup has unfolded and continues to evolve and intensify as you enter this next phase of time. The winds of change are...

A Pleiadian Message: Your Conscious Choice

Beloved ones, we greet you. The great winds of change are flowing, illuminating your Earth on many diverse levels since the heralding in of the "Age of Aquarius." Elements of a higher order of...

A Pleiadian Message: Anchoring the Essence of Oneness

Beloved ones, we greet you. The great winds of change are accelerating, creating a rapid transformation within the atmosphere of Earth by forming an intensified restructuring of your energetic systems. These energies are made...

A Pleiadian Message: An Accelerating Shift before the New Year

Beloved ones, we greet you. At this divine juncture on your Earth, an energetic diversity is building more than ever before between the playing out of illusion and Truth. The third-dimensional illusional drama is...

A Pleiadian Message: God Consciousness and the One

Beloved ones, we greet you. We fulfill our promise at this sacred time on your planet by holding an energetic mantle for all humanity. This mantle contains the full blueprint hologram of the transitional...

A Pleiadian Message: Achieving Transformation, Step by Step

Beloved ones, we greet you. We hold a mantle of love around your planet with the rest of the Universal community as you are launched into the complete reset of energy within your Earth....

A Pleiadian Message: Echoes of Love Support Reconnection

Beloved ones, we greet you. We are the transmitters of the light. We are the wayshowers for the elements of creation to become manifest now on your planet. We create an expanded vibration to...

A Pleiadian Message: Harness Your Heart’s Purpose

Beloved ones, we greet you. A further shift within the energetic core within your Earth is creating an expanded focus, almost like a magnification of the higher frequencies that open up an expanded light...

A Pleiadian Message: Self-Liberation and Opening to Your Power

Beloved ones, we greet you. Your third-dimensional story continues to unfold as your planet undergoes a rapid recalibration since the opening of the 2020 vibrations. There has been an upswing in the third-dimensional drama,...

A Pleiadian Message: Claim Your Light

Beloved ones, we greet you. The timelines that have anchored and stabilized within your Earth have set in motion a new era. These timelines have altered the dimensional settings and have begun to dissolve...

A Pleiadian Message: Deepening Our Resonance to God Consciousness

Beloved ones, we greet you. We bring news of a building wave of unprecedented energetic light that is flowing from the heavenly bodies down to Earth to support you on your individual journey. ...

A Pleiadian Message: Supporting the New Year’s Shift

Beloved ones, we greet you. There is an ongoing intensification of pure consciousness light entering your planet and this is designed to generate a powerful shift within the dimensional grids on the Earth. The...

A Pleiadian Message: A New Era of Awakening

Beloved Ones, we greet you. As you move into the energy of this month you are being given the gift of a sacred covenant being revealed, allowing another level of transformation within your own...

A Pleiadian Message: Open, Engage Your Sacred Heart

Beloved ones, we greet you. The “winds of change” are continuing to flow across your Earth plane, further building an expansive vibrational light system that is anchoring deeply on a multidimensional level within your...