Lemon Cashew Curry & Coconut Truffles for Spring

A warm dish for rainy days, the Lemon Cashew Curry can be made as hot as you want with your favorite curry paste added. The recipe below is mildly flavored for a more delicate palate, allowing you to enjoy the flavors of the lemon and vegetables more. At The Golden Chalice restaurant, we’ve been experimenting with gluten-free bread made in a standard bread machine. We think it’s yummy, and it is also low-glycemic, but made with healthy oils and sweeteners. I’m happy to share it with you. For dessert, try the "I Can’t Believe It’s Not Chocolate" Coconut Truffles, a favorite
dessert of those trying to get more raw foods into their diet.


Soak in purified water for 4-6 hours: 6 oz. organic Raw Cashews. Rinse thoroughly
and again before use.
Blend in blender (for sauce):
6 oz. organic soaked cashews
1/2 cup purified water
1/4 tsp. organic curry powder
1/4 tsp. organic cumin powder
2 tsp. Braggs amino acids
1/4 tsp. Krystal Himalayan or Celtic sea salt
2 tablespoon organic lemon juice
1/2 tablespoon organic lemon zest

Chop and stir fry in wok:
2 oz. angle-sliced organic carrots
1 oz. chopped organic onion
4 oz. angle-sliced organic bok choy
4 oz. angle-sliced organic zucchini

Add sauce to mixture, and optional coconut milk or water for thinner sauce if it gets to thick. Stir to warm and serve with your choice of grain or extra veggiesfor low-glycemic meal. (Shredded Napa cabbage is nice for base in place of grains). For main dish: add 6 oz. organic soaked, germinated cashews, sunflower and pumpkin seeds or shrimp, chicken or other meat stir-fried in virgin, hand-pressed coconut oil. Garnish with chopped or whole roasted cashews. Makes two servings or more.

A mostly raw-food dessert

Soak organic almonds in purified water overnight to bring out the full nutritional value in this desert. Rinse well and grind in blender. For organic raisin paste, soak organic raisins overnight in just enough water to cover them by about 1/2 inch. The next day, blend until it becomes a paste. For organic coconut, grind 4 oz. dried organic coconut finely in a clean coffee grinder or other food processor. A blender may work as well. Set aside 2 ounces for coating.

Blend together in small bowl:
1 tablespoon hand-pressed virgin coconut oil
2 oz. organic raisin paste (see above)
2 oz. finely ground organic coconut (see above)
1 tablespoon organic almond butter
1/4 tsp. organic almond extract
I tsp. organic vanilla extract
2 tablespoons organic carob powder
2 tablespoons organic chicory, finely ground (use blender or coffee grinder if necessary)
2 oz. soaked, chopped organic almonds (see above)

Roll in balls, sizing as you wish (we use a little smaller than golf-ball size at the restaurant) then roll in last 2 oz. of finely ground organic coconut. It looks and feels almost like powdered sugar, but it is much better for you! Makes 5 large or 10 small.



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