Tributes to Gary & Insiah Beckman

Thanks, Gary and Insiah, for your support and love over the last 16 years. You have been instrumental in helping me build my career, as well as an inspiration to the metaphysical community. Blessings as your journey continues. – Kathryn Harwig. Visit or call 763.656.7204.

Two bold leaders, Gary and Insiah,

who with a vision for something that had never been done, took spirituality to a new dimension. Pioneers with dedication for serving the metro area and beyond, maintained the goal of feeding people’s spirits, opening doors for travelers on spiritual quests. Deeply spiritual themselves, they have accomplished much, with their paper, with their expos, with their lives and with their hope for humankind. I bless them and thank them, for all they have done, and I wish them well in their increased freedom, much deserved. – Melynie-Tailin Satail Helvig

My Tribute:

Although I do not personally know Gary or Insiah, I am exceedingly grateful for their dedication and original vision in imagineering this magazine through its initial 16 years. I’m thrilled that Tim and Cathy will be carrying the torch into the 21st century. The metaphysical message is the bedrock of my life. I’ve been published many times in The Edge. I am so very grateful for this format to express healing messages that mean the world to me. Thank you Gary and Insiah. Thank you Tim and Cathy. Blessings to all of you as you continue work that means the world to you! I’m very grateful for the work you’ve done and are doing. – Cathy Combs, Kansas City, Mo.



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