Choose Love In Every Moment

If I could share 500 words to inspire, this is the important wisdom I’d want to pass along to others.

Your every thought, word and action spring from either love or fear. The nature of your choices determines the quality of your life.

Love is the whisper of the Divine, ceaselessly calling creation back toward the Creator. Fear expresses itself as anger, intimidation, insecurity, despair, self-loathing or any other emotion or behavior not grounded in love.

When you choose love, you are coming from your heart and declaring that you trust God to handle the consequences. When you choose fear, you are coming from your head and assuming that you can manage the situation better than God can.

Choose love, and you are being proactive; you are making things happen, living a life of choice, and getting better. Choose fear, and you are being reactive; you are letting things happen, living a life of chance, and getting bitter.

Choose love and you share your authentic self with the world. Choose fear and you conceal your true identity from others and, worse yet, from yourself.

Choose fear, and you will forever be searching for happiness and fulfillment through other people, possessions and experiences. Choose love, and you discover unimaginable bliss within your own heart.

Choose love, and you serenely welcome whatever gifts are delivered to your door. Choose fear, and you affirm that you do not trust what tomorrow may bring.

Choose love and you are illuminating your future with the radiant promise of undreamed-of possibilities. Choose fear and you are casting a pallor over your state of mind and all the days that remain to you.

Choose love, and your words and actions help heal the world. Choose fear, and your own world becomes a less hospitable place to live.

Choose fear, and peace remains a stranger. Choose love, and peace gathers you tenderly in its arms.

Love is the language of God. Love is God. You exist because of love. You exist to share love. You exist to be love. Love is evidence of God’s presence within you.

Love is far more than a choice you make or an emotion you feel. Love is the life force of the Universe. Love is the elemental energy that created and sustains creation itself. Whoever taps into its power walks hand in hand with God.

Ultimately, love defies definition. Every expression of love, every sensation of being loved, is as unique as the individual experiencing it.

So which will you choose, love or fear? Choose love, and you are charting a new course, creating a different outcome, transcending the circumstances at hand, and appreciating all the gifts that life has to offer.

Choose fear, and you are acting out old scripts, falling prey to bad habits, holding fast to patterns of behavior that no longer serve you, and taking life’s most precious gifts for granted.

May you choose love. It is a wonderful place to live. When your time on Earth is done, all that will matter is how much love is in your heart. Why wait another minute to begin living that truth?

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Phil Bolsta is the author of Through God’s Eyes: Finding Peace and Purpose in a Troubled World. When you look through God’s eyes, you see that you are being guided in every moment with infinite wisdom and inexhaustible love, that life is unfolding with indescribable beauty and grace, that Spirit is gently urging you to align your will with Divine Will and be a source of love, hope, and healing energy to all who cross your path. Visit Phil also is the author of Sixty Seconds: One Moment Changes Everything, a collection of 45 uplifting, life-changing stories from prominent spiritual authors and thought leaders he interviewed. To learn more about Sixty Seconds, visit Phil can be reached at



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