Minneapolis Holistic Expo returns with Top Speakers, Exhibitors

The 2017 Minneapolis Holistic Expo, presented by Edge Life Expos & Events, will explore parallel universes, spirit guides, the soul, Pleiadian activations, and much more. The 17th annual expo returns on November 11 & 12 to Earle Brown Heritage Center in Brooklyn Center, MN, for two days of soulful exploration by noted local and internationally known speakers, free daily workshops, and 90 exhibitors offering unique gifts, intuitive readings, information on wellness and spirituality, and sample holistic healing sessions.

In addition, a special post-expo workshop will be presented November 13 & 14 by keynote speaker Christine Day.

“The energies of this planet have ramped up to sustain the evolution of the very young race we call human beings,” says Edge Life Producer Gary Beckman. “We like to resolve disagreements with force. But we have arrived at the reckoning, a crucial time of change, a time in which human consciousness will transcend its current state. We present to you in November an event that will offer you tools to wade through this craziness and step into our new paradigm of existence.”

Minneapolis Holistic Expo takes place from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 11, and from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 12, at Earle Brown Heritage Center, 6155 Earle Brown Drive in Brooklyn Center, which features acres of free and safe parking. The annual expo is an inspired event focused on sharing the finest holistic approaches available in the Upper Midwest. It is an emporium of gifts, products and information to support holistic life – including health, ecology, community and a balance of mind, body and spirit.

Admission to Expo Hall includes entry to Free Workshops that day. Speaker tickets include admission to Expo Hall and Free Workshops. All Admission and Speaker tickets can be purchased now at Edgelife.net at a discount for attendees. Admission to Expo Hall for one day is $7 in advance ($9 at the door), and two tickets are $10 in advance, and three tickets are $15 in advance. Note: All advance tickets purchased online are not mailed. Bring your purchase confirmation to Will Call at the event. Tickets are non-refundable.

The Gold Card gives you front-row seating at all keynote events (does not include the post-expo workshop with Christine Day), and admission to Expo Hall and all free workshops. Only 10 Gold Cards are being sold. Gold Cards are $97 in advance ($119 at the door if any are still available).

Edge Life Expos & Events offers all guests to Minneapolis Holistic Expo an option to stay near at the site of the event at the 4-Star DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Minneapolis North, 2200 Freeway Blvd., Brooklyn Center, for $91 plus tax per night. A shuttle will run from the hotel to the expo. Make reservations by calling 1.800.481.3556 and ask for the Edge Life Holistic Expo group rate.

Keynote speaker tickets include admission to Expo Hall and Free Workshops on the day of the talk. The following are the speakers at the 2017 Minneapolis Holistic Expo:

Saturday, Nov. 11, 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.: John Desalvo, Ph.D., presents “The Mandela Effect – A Scientific & Paranormal Theory.” General Admission tickets in advance are $19 ($25 at the door). Dr. DeSalvo is a biophysicist and longtime paranormal and psychic researcher who has authored books on Enochian Magic, the Pyramids, the Dead Sea Scrolls, Quartz Crystals and Ancient Crystal Skulls, Spiritualism and Clairvoyance, and the Shroud of Turin. Do parallel universes exist? Why do certain past historical events seem to have changed the way we remember them? Is this caused by a memory or psychological malfunction, or is there something real happening in our universe that is changing our past history? If so, what is the cause of this? What will this do to the future of our universe and our existence? Could this explain why many people today feel that time is speeding up and also causing an increase in our feelings of déjà vu? John DeSalvo’s new physical model of the Mandela Effect and parallel universes will try to explain all of this.

Saturday, Nov. 11, 1-2:30 p.m.: Jurema Silva presents “Connecting with Your Spirit Guides.” General Admission tickets in advance are $10 ($15 at the door). Jerema Silva is a naturally gifted psychic/medium, inspirational speaker, spiritual teacher and guided energy healer. She grew up experiencing and learning a variety of ancient healing techniques in her native country, Brazil. Nearly thirty years ago, she brought to the U.S. her original spiritual abilities, resulting in a captivating and effective healing approach. In her keynote, discover how easy you can cross the spiritual veil between worlds and enhance your life with guidance, love and teachings from Spirit Guides. This is a must-see lecture from a highly respected spiritual teacher, psychic and inspirational speaker. She will share with you her incredible expertise on how to use your intuitive gifts to connect, listen, and receive messages from your Spirit Guides.

Saturday, Nov. 11, 3-4:30 p.m.: Dave Schrader presents “The Spirits are Speaking: It’s Time to Listen.” General Admission tickets in advance are $19 ($24 at the door). Dave Schrader is host of the long-running paranormal radio show Darkness Radio and regular guest host of Coast to Coast AM, has had a long standing fascination with the paranormal after having several experiences throughout his life, from spiritual visitations to a Bigfoot sighting and encounters with strange craft in the sky. In his talk, he will discuss how the world is in upheaval and we seem to be surrounded with uncertainty and a sense of foreboding doom and gloom, but we are at a point of evolution where we have never been stronger or more powerful to combat this and manifest a better future. The key to our happiness and change lies within our grasp and it’s about time we learn to take our power back. He will shine the light on our past that clearly illuminates the path to a better future and regaining control of our world. The spirits are speaking — it’s time to listen.

Sunday, Nov. 12, Noon-1:30 p.m.: Chee Vue (PaLiChi) presents “When the Soul Leads the Way.” General Admission tickets in advance are $10 ($13 at the door). Chee Vue is a natural born shaman, self-taught by high level ascended masters of the Universe, Psychic Medium, Spiritual and Energy Healer. She comes from an ancestral background in various Shamanistic healing ways, with origins in Hmong Shamanism. In her talk, she will explain that when Truth knows that the Soul leads the way, you must turn to spirit for guidance and energy for renewal. You may often wonder how you can bring balance to yourself, your life, and the world in which you live. You may ask why mankind (you) do the things they do. Why you go through life unfulfilled? Why illnesses of different types are experienced by some and not others? Connect to your soul with Master Shaman PaLiChi as she opens the doors for connection and guidance. Gain your understanding of your “Whys” with her informative talk on healing, a soul gallery reading, and shamanic ritual demonstration.

Sunday, Nov. 12, 2:00-3:30 p.m.: Christine Day presents a “Pineal Gland Activation.” General Admission tickets in advance are $44 ($49 at the door). Over the past two and a half decades, Christine has become internationally renowned as the Pleiadian Ambassador, as a gifted spiritual teacher, healer and channel. Christine’s two books – Pleiadian Initiations of Light and Pleiadian Principles for Living – bring this work to a worldwide audience. Come and join Christine Day in a profound 90-minute process of initiation. The Pleiadians will channel through a series of powerful initiations activating the Pineal gland. These life-changing initiations will lead you into a deep rebirthing process. During this session seals will be removed within the Pineal Gland that have been in place for lifetimes. These seals have kept you in a restricted and limited perception of Truth of your inner vision to your Higher Self. These seals have been in place and they have fulfilled their role for you to play out your full experience in the illusion of separation. Now is your time for the separation to end.

Two-Day Post-Expo Workshop, 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. November 13 & 14: Christine Day presents “Holy Vine Initiations.” Workshop tickets in advance are $182 ($191 at the door), and combo tickets for the Post-Expo Workshop & Sunday Keynote are $215 ($239 at the door). This is the first time that the Holy Vine initiations are being made available to the general public. Come and learn how to work within a powerful crystal vortex especially created by the Pleiadians for your initiation. Align directly with the pure frequency of the Holy Vine to access your Higher Self. The Heart will go through a transformation with the alignment to the crystalline platform within the Vortex. A new dimension doorway of your Heart will open, activating your natural ability to receive your abundance. Your Heart will receive sacred imprints to expand your ability to activate your Heart’s desire. This is a profound opportunity to directly anchor the purity of the Holy Vine essence within your life. Note: you will receive written material to take home to continue your unfolding journey to Self.

Free Speakers & Expo Admission
Attend one or both of the following free expo talks and receive free admission to the expo:

  • 9:00-9:50 a.m. Saturday in Tack Room B: “Sparking the Intuitive Gifts in All of Us,” with the Rev. Kev — A Special Workshop & Gallery Event with the Intuitive Rev. Kev – Not Your Ordinary Reverend! This event will assist in opening up the audience’s gifts of the intuitive realm. Rev. Kev will outline the steps to opening up to the gifts that lie within you. Sacred Spirits and Angels will speak through Rev. Kev during his powerful readings. As an Intuitive Channel, ancient Sacred Spirits often communicate their concern for the planet, the inhabitants thereof, and their relationship to Creator. Rev. Kev is gifted with clairvoyant (seeing), clairaudient (hearing), and clairsentient (feeling) abilities. Visit Rev. Kev afterwards in Booth 7 in Exhibit Hall.
  • 9:00-9:50 a.m. Sunday in Tack Room A: “Be Perceptive to the Colors in Your Energy Field,” with Annette Bruchu — The relationship between your Aura field and your Chakra system is through color. Understanding the harmony between the two will create a healthier You. When you are true to your birth color, you will discover ways to nurture and support your Chakra system. Join Annette as she shares with you the importance of color experienced through everyday life and how to maintain a healthy energy field by keeping yourself balanced. A nationally known Intuitive Healer, Annette has a vast understanding of Auric fields, color representation and the Chakra System through Aura Photography. She teaches Intuitive Development and Energy Healing courses at her Helping YOU Heal Center in Stillwater, MN, and also offers home and business energy clearing. Visit Annette afterwards in Booths 65 & 66 in Exhibit Hall.

For discounts on advance tickets and complete details, visit www.edgelife.net or call 763.427.7979.



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