Reconnect with Your Sacred Intimacy

What does Spirit want you to know about sacred Intimacy?

It is your birthright. You know that, don’t you? Without it you feel frustrated, unfulfilled and off center. With it, you feel that the world is your oyster. When you are disconnected from it, you are looking outside of yourself for peace, for joy, for all the answers. But, it’s all inside of you, waiting to blossom. It’s been there all along.

Inside you, deep in your heart, you will find a sacred place, your sacred heart and its connection to Spirit. Developing this connection will help you find the intimacy you crave and help you make sense of the multitasking world. Tapping into this heart-space and allowing it to expand over and over again, allowing in this heart light, will bring you to the doorway of sacred intimacy within yourself. Be on the receiving end of this generous gift. It is a gift you give to yourself. It is waiting for you to discover it. With it you are a Divine Master. It allows you to Be in no space, no time, no worry.

You can begin to experience this by remembering the last time you held a newborn baby or a favorite pet. There is an unconditional love that is exchanged in these activities. Thinking of them can bring you back to the same state of being as when you initially experienced them. Remember that feeling. Hold on to it. Expand it to encompass all of you. Allow it to encapsulate you and allow it to expand beyond you. Practice calling this into your awareness throughout your day and make it the last thing you bring to mind before you drift into sleep.

You are gradually learning what this sacred intimacy or unconditional love is all about and how to lay claim to it as your own. You can sense it, feel it, see it and sometimes even hear it. Gradually, you develop an inner knowing that you have tapped into something rare, unique and special. Allow yourself to own it.

After establishing your intention to allow this into your life some attention is needed. Focus on your heart. Breathe in and out through your heart and feel the energy exchange. Continued attention to this heart space will expand your awareness and provide you with a deep sense of peace, connectedness and awareness. Once you have mastered this within yourself, you are ready to start sharing this feeling of absolute abundance with others. Ultimately, you will find a community of people to share in the giving and receiving. This will lead to heightened creativity on projects, ease of multi-tasking and deeper connections in relationships.



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