Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)…You’re back in action in a big way, but make like Mohammad Ali and pick your spots. The Leo New Moon on the 9th urges you to stop playing by other people’s rules and remember who you are. Money matters improve steadily; use the Mercury retrograde to create channels for your new income to flow through.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)…You’re going to learn a lot about who you are in the next few weeks. With the Sun in your 12th House and then Mercury retrograde in your sign, you may feel as if you don’t have many options. But the Universe is almost forcing you to learn a new attitude toward life, one that is centered in the experience of your creativity.
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)…The great news is that Saturn has left your 12th House for good. You’ve stripped away self-sabotaging behaviors and cleared your karma. Now you can get to work creating the life you were meant to live. With Mars and Venus in your sign, you are overflowing with creative ideas. Pitch them before Mercury goes retro on the 20th.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)…The New Moon on the 9th brings a new career opportunity. Try to sign any major contracts before the 15th, on account of the Mercury retrograde. With Mars, Venus and Saturn all in your 12th House, karmic relationships are showing you your hidden weak points. This is a great time to start a regular energy work practice.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)…With your ruling planet Jupiter already retrograde and Mercury going retro in your 10th House of career mid-month, this is a great time to slow down, enjoy yourself and gain some perspective. You’ve been working very hard; a conscious time-out helps you rethink your career strategy and work more efficiently.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)…Major changes are not only possible but probable now. With Mars, Venus and Saturn all in your 10th House of career, you’re being asked to step into a new role with major responsibilities. Scary? Perhaps, but this opportunity offers unprecedented rewards. You can’t afford to stay stuck in the past.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)…You might have to let go of a relationship near the New Moon on the 9th; if so, know that you are opening to something better. You’ve learned too much about your own needs and desires this year to stay stuck with someone who just doesn’t get it. Use the Mercury retrograde to clarify your money, sex and power-sharing agreements.
Pisces (Feb. 19-Mar. 20)…Joint finances are a big issue this month. You’ve got a lot of good will on your side, but you need to be really clear about what you need. Use the Mercury retrograde in your 7th House to review your relationship agreements; the Full Moon in your sign on the 24th could bring a big opportunity to show the world who you really are.
Aries (Mar. 21-Apr. 19)…With Saturn in your relationship house for the next two years, you can either struggle with burdensome people who don’t respect your boundaries or you can attract collaborators who help you vault to the top of your profession. The choice is yours, based on how impeccable you are with your word.
Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20)…Where you live, who you live with and your family relationships all come up for review at the New Moon on the 9th. The rest of the month you’re working hard to balance your workload and your creative needs. Use the Mercury retrograde to rethink your approach to finishing a creative project (or handling a child-related matter).
Gemini (May 21-June 20)…Some kind of emotional, family, or domestic burden is lifted this month as Saturn finally leaves your 4th House. You’ve got more energy available to put into your creative projects, romantic life or your kids now. Use the Mercury retrograde in the second half of August to clarify your domestic situation and start new, healthy routines.
Cancer (June 21-July 22)…Take care of your home base this month. You’re developing a new attitude or idea about money and what it means to be wealthy, and you’ll see more opportunities to explore this in 2011. For now, you need to find your foundation and put yourself in a place where you feel safe and in touch with what truly matters.