Starcodes week of December 27 – January 2, 2025
Choose love, choose peace, choose action, choose not to polarize, and keep the heart open to compassion even though the heat turns up this year. Between 2024-2026 Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, and Saturn all leave introspective, yin water and earth signs and all enter active, yang fire and air signs, and demand action.
Both Saturn and Neptune enter abrupt, martial Aries this spring then dance back into dreamy, potentially confused Pisces for a few months this fall. Uranus enters nervy, electrical, communicative Gemini this summer then retrogrades back into Taurus in November. This two-step, into the new active era and back to more introverted, emotionally opinionated signs, can help us remember and integrate what we’ve learned in the last cycle and bring back hard-fought wisdom into an age of action, potential conflict, and transformation.
Neptune and Saturn shifting into Aries demand we be direct and honest but can simplify truths and leave people polarized in a high-contrast view; we’ll need to look for the real and complex answers. The last time Neptune entered Aries, April 11, 1861, America stepped into a civil war. Aries idealizes action, these Aries planets can idealize conflict and rattle the spears of war or can idealize real heroism and help us boldly break our addictions to fossil fuels and take heroic action on climate change.
Pluto is now firmly in Aquarius where it can decentralize power and shift it into the hands of the people, the crowd, the labor unions, and community organizations. It can also bring a false populism – power through telling people what they want to hear. We need to focus on clear lines of neutral communication to educate and grow our communal wisdom; wise crowds make better decisions.
As 2025 begins, some old stalemates around an old wound or resentment could push, pull, and shift power dynamics as stubbornness-inducing retrograde Mars in Leo opposes Pluto in Aquarius early in January, and will again in April after Mars turns direct. We’ll be challenged to hold the ground against misuse of willpower and move past polarized thinking and into creative solutions.
We can this transition year to prepare for a busy decade ahead. Let’s get right with ourselves, allow our personal relationships and community connections to evolve and build resilience. Build good psychic hygiene, spiritual practice, and deeply embodied connection to our Mother Earth into our daily life. Prepare to roll with a flood of new ideas, technologies and attitudes pouring in over the next few years and steer the change in a good direction.
For more about the year ahead, see my yearly overview in the 2025 We’Moon calendar
Friday, December 27: Review the past year and be honest about concerns for the new year as mental Mercury squares serious Saturn midday. Instead of worrying, let’s trust our adaptability and make plans (Saturn loves a good plan) with clear first steps. When in doubt, organize, which is a key to this week. The Moon enters Sagittarius to lighten the mood this afternoon- though we can get impatient with familiar people. Get outside, play, meander, engage in restorative action.
Mercury square Saturn 12:28 AM MST, Moon opposed Uranus 12:33 AM, Moon trine Neptune 7:23 AM, Moon enters Sagittarius 12:46 PM, Moon sextile Pluto 2:35 PM, Moon trine Mars 6:49 PM.
Saturday, December 28: Take a break from family responsibilities and explore as that restless Sagittarius Moon conjuncts Mercury and opposes expansive Jupiter, while Venus squares Uranus and creates an itch for a change of scene or of creative expression. Conversation flows smoothly while we’re in motion, whether we’re driving, walking, snowshoeing. Watch for a minor glitch or serious moment as the Moon square Saturn around tea-time, then let communication and laughter flows tonight as the Sagittarius Moon conjuncts Mercury.
Venus square Uranus 12:41 AM MST, Moon opposed Jupiter 12:49 PM, Moon square Saturn 4:14 PM, Moon conjunct Mercury 8:00 PM.
Sunday, December 29: Engage recent rift or sore place in our soul unfolds as Chiron, retrograde since July 25, now turns direct. Seed this process well, it’s just beginning. After a fuzzy-thinking, dreamy, wandering sort of afternoon as the Moon squares Neptune, the waning Moon enters competent Capricorn tonight and can bring distracting concerns about the year ahead. If people get cranky, ask what worries them.
Chiron turns direct 2:12 PM MST, Moon square Neptune 4:34 PM, Moon enters Capricorn 9:37 PM.
Monday, December 30: The new Moon in Capricorn at 3:26 PM MST, the first new Moon after the winter solstice makes this a powerful time to make our real New Year’s resolutions. Let’s consider what we want to invoke in the year ahead, who we want to connect with, what steps we want to take to build our own life, our community, and our world into a better place. Meanwhile it’s a good day to organize the house and organize our mind. Just watch out for desire to get controlling and organize other people; let them do it themselves.
New Moon in Capricorn 3:26 PM MST.
Tuesday, December 31: Think about what to release, consider what’s cluttering up the path in the future and symbolically let it go as Mercury trines Chiron. Although it brings relatively sedate New Year’s Eve under a considered Capricorn new Moon – we have access to our imagination as Venus semi-sextiles Neptune, making a good time to replace our concerns for positive personal visions for the new year. Just watch out for over-indulgence in alcohol. Watch out for accidents after midnight, play it safe as the Moon enters Aquarius, conjuncts Pluto, and opposes Mars in the wee hours.
Moon sextile Saturn 12:02 AM, Mercury trine Chiron 12:40 AM, Venus semi-sextile Neptune 7:37 AM, Moon trine Uranus 4:30 PM, Moon sextile Neptune 11:01 PM.
Wednesday, January 1: If possible, sleep through some early morning tension as the Moon enters Aquarius, conjuncts Pluto and opposes Mars before sunrise. Pay attention to tension in dreams or worries in the belly over breakfast—these may not be personal and could be tension for the collective. This is not to make us worry, just to bring concerns up for conscious consideration. Later in the day that Aquarius Moon encourages us to gather with friends and invoke good wishes in the year ahead.
Moon enters Aquarius 3:49 AM, Moon conjunct Pluto 5:44 AM, Moon opposed Mars 6:52 AM.
Thursday, January 2: Reconnect with work, friends, or the global community. Read the news, catch up on work gossip. We can see the big picture as the Sun quincunx Jupiter but can be unrealistic about how much we can get done or what a big bite we want to take. Aim high, and then look for the practical, manifesting, next steps. We move more into our heart and can be aware of our vulnerabilities but are capable of softer emotional connections with our closest beloveds or to our spiritual path as Venus enters Pisces tonight.
Moon trine Jupiter 2:51 AM, Moon sextile Mercury 7:33 PM, Sun quincunx Jupiter 8:18 PM, Venus enters Pisces 8:23 PM, Moon trine Uranus 9:12 PM.
Provided by Heather Roan Robbins