Join us on "Soul-Aligned Success: The Karen Gruber Experience," where visionary international business coach and #1 best-selling, award-winning author Karen Gruber shares her revolutionary approach to spiritual entrepreneurship. Discover the secrets of the Spiritual...
We are being called to heal our environments, and that means healing the land on which our homes are built. Just like us, the land we live on carries energy from the past. Even...
Join us on "Divine Patterns: Sacred Geometry Unveiled," where we delve into the profound wisdom of Sacred Geometry with the esteemed Gregory and Gail Hoag. With over forty years of expertise, the Hoags have...
Imagine a life where each day you feel more balanced, where a sense of calm and well-being becomes your new normal. With Angelic Armour, this can be your reality. This isn’t just a pendant;...
Beloved ones we greet you,
‘The great winds of change’ are once again flowing across your earth plane this month. However, they are currently bringing with them a more complete essence of sacred transformation than...
Humanity is in a time of great change, and we are in uncharted territory! You may feel like a caterpillar in the cocoon, entering the pupa stage where you are dissolving the old form....
This is the third in a six-part article. Parts 4-6 will be posted in future months. Be sure to watch for them! Catch up by reading part 1 and part 2
Now What
Here we are,...
Join psychologist and Soul Navigator, Melody Krafft, as she delves into the depths of spiritual awakening and life purpose discovery. In this enlightening podcast, Melody shares her expertise from conducting workshops, classes, and individual...
The Pleiadians are giving us notice of a Profound Energetic Happening to take place in January 2025.
A vast realm of higher light that has never previously anchored on Earth is going to descend, activating...
In this episode of The Being Curious Show, we welcome Dr. Ron Holman, also known as SiddhaRon, the visionary behind Anu Alchemy. SiddhaRon’s incredible journey into the world of alchemy began in the 1990s...
An excerpt from my book A Solution to a Pointless Life...
Here we are, inhabitants on Planet Earth, united in our shared struggle with the same existential question: What is the purpose of my life?...
In a world facing its deepest crises, Mother Malia, the Great Mother, steps in to offer her guidance, soothing the turmoil and showing the way to a spiritually realized existence. Her return at this...
Beloved ones we greet you,
The time is here for you to begin another aspect of your journey so that you begin to shift your focus away from your daily human experiences of illusion. Instead,...
The 2024 ECK Worldwide Soul Adventure Seminar, “Loving As God Loves: A Secret to Spiritual Living” at the Minneapolis Convention Center October 18-20, 2024.
The 2024 ECK Worldwide Soul Adventure Seminar, Loving As God Loves:...
In this episode of The Being Curious Show, we welcome Virginia Cooper, the Conference Coordinator of the Women & Spirituality Conference, happening October 4th, 5th, and 6th in Rochester, MN. Virginia will share the...
Beloved ones we greet you,
Great energetic forces are at work across your planet and the winds of change are heralding in a next phase cycle of the New Dawning prophecies. The higher realms of...
In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, amidst the noise of distractions and responsibilities there exists a hidden profound truth: within each of us lies a secret spiritual seed just waiting to blossom...