New Taurus Moon 2024


Exact time of full moon: Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 10:21pm Central

“Every man is the builder of a temple, called his body, to the god he worships, after a style purely his own, nor can he get off by hammering marble instead. We are all sculptors and painters, and our material is our own flesh and blood and bones. Any nobleness begins at once to refine a man’s features, any meanness or sensuality to imbrute them.”
– Henry David Thoreau, Walden

We’ve all been through a lot lately. To be kind we can call it human life. From the broken knee to the broken trust to the broken dish and back again, we humans experience so much challenge and adversity in this three dimensional world that it is actually the realm where angels fear to tread. That means it is up to each of us individually to take our angelic or spiritual beings, and do something real, tangible, even sustainable and helpful with that energy here in this three-dimensional world of form, physicality, earth, and ‘reality’.

new taurus moon 2024 astrology zodiac

No matter how spiritual or religious, divine, or multi-dimensional we can be, feel, or experience, we still have this realm to live in. We still need to eat and rest. We can then engage in and contribute to this realm called human life. If we use our skills, talents, and resources, we can do something as simple yet powerful as planting an apple tree. We could even take those skills and resources and plant an entire orchard! That’s a gift to the future of thousands of yummy apples!

Still, if we are working hard with our physical body, we need to balance that with enough rest and regeneration for that physical body. Welcome to our New Moon in Taurus, where we can stop for a moment, the intensity of life, and take a deep breath….(do that now)…. and come back into our body. When we do this, we can relax and come into the moment. Doing that often offers a string of calm moments!

We can also feel the places which ache! We can give them attention through stretching or massage. We can reclaim our balance and our sense of what we need in that moment. Are we hungry? Thirsty? We then take care of our animal being. This is foundational if we are to use this vehicle to channel our higher imagination or spiritual aspirations into this three-dimensional world. We can’t drink from a glass with a hole in the bottom!

This lunar cycle, we set an intention for plugging our leaks. It is time to set an intention for simplifying, streamlining, and choreographing our lives in a way that offers more peace and security in our moment to moment lives. We can renew our relationship with the challenges and complexities of this three-dimensional world by utilizing what skills, talents, and resources we have to restructure our lives with more sustainability and security.

Some of us need to make empowered choices, while others of us first need to feel deserving and worthy of everything I’m saying here! Some of us need to calm our minds, and others must calm our hearts. Some of us just need to go play while others of us must streamline our moment-to-moment daily habits. Some of us are reclaiming an ability to trust ourselves enough to determine what is trustworthy while others of us are learning how to remain calm amidst the storm. Some of us are solidifying our philosophical meaning of life, while others of us are assisting others with theirs. Some of us are learning how to feel confident in a constantly changing future while others of us are learning how to stabilize our relationship with Spirit.

We are all learning, or intending to integrate into our lives, one or more of the above. Regardless of what is happening in our personal biographies, now is the time to sift away what no longer is effective while we focus on simplifying and restructuring our lives as best as we can. Yes, I said as best as we can. We are imperfect so we can also give ourselves a break. Do that, and all will be well.

– Courtesy of Evolutionary Astrology with Ryan Evans


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Ryan Evans
Ryan Evans is a Certified Master Level Astrologer. A student of 25 years and a professional for 15, having studied with Steven Forrest, Pat Kaluza, and others, he practices an integrative approach to Astrology combining imagery, past life analysis, and healthy encouragement of choice and free-will. As an organic flower farmer of 20 years, he aligns his engagement and practice of Astrology with the observed and experienced lessons and teachings of the Natural World and her rhythms. In a reading, Ryan describes the mythology and poetry of the Solar System and the Seasons of the Earth and how they are reflected in the myth and poetry of YOU.


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