

whale spirit animal message

Spirit Animal Message for the New Year: Whale Wisdom

Water is Life. The water of this planet is its lifeblood and its amniotic fluid. Water is also an incredible carrier of electrical impulses. Therefore, Water is a very important part of the nervous...
trees talk - here is their wisdom

Yes, Trees Talk – Here’s the Wisdom They Share with Us

I was hanging out in Mother Nature, spending time exploring deep within the acreage of the nearby St. Croix State Park near Hinkley in Minnesota.It was a gorgeous fall day and I settled down...
octopus spirit animal message

Octopus Spirit Animal Message for October 2023: Tides of Change

This month's message is from Octopus. With its funky face and eight wavy legs, the Octopus is more like a creature from another galaxy than something you'd expect to find on Earth. When it...
great blue heron poem

Great Blue Heron

"Look, I want to love this world as though it’s the last chance I’m ever going to get to be alive and know it." — Mary Oliver, “October” Busy inhabiting my world— blazing car, radio blather, coffee buzz that wouldn’t last— I...
moose spirit animal message

September 2023 Moose Spirit Animal Message: Show Your Strength

Are you seeing red this month? Or maybe for you the cooler vibes of September offer a welcome invitation to slow down and look within. Either way, you could be feeling the energy of this...
what is a Blue Moon?

What is a Blue Moon?

There are two types of Blue Moons – one is called a seasonal blue moon and the other is a monthly blue moon. We are most familiar with a monthly blue moon. Monthly blue moons...
spider spirit animal message

Spirit Animal Message for August 2023: Spider Medicine

Spider is an incredibly powerful totem, connected directly with the ancient powers of creation. The dark side of Spider embodies the deepest horrors imaginable to humanity. But the Light polarity of Spider is even more...
messages from the whales: we are waiting to communicate

Messages from the Whales: We are Waiting

A small fleet of electric boats arrived at the meeting spot and dropped anchor. Gentle waves lapped at the boats while the land delegation waited on board. Soon enough, a fin was visible, then...
green flash at sunset

Green Flash

The legendary green flash is real. After more than fifty years living on the coast and countless sunset viewings, I finally saw it, as the last slice of ripe tangerine slipped into the horizon’s expectant mouth. I had thought it a tall...
mama bear spirit animal message

Spirit Animal Message for July 2023: Stand Your Ground

Few animals have earned humanity’s admiration and respect more than the Bear. Venerated from ancient times to the present, this powerful creature is universally both loved and feared for its strength, imposing presence, and...
duck spirit animal message

Spirit Animal Message for June 2023: Don’t Stop Now!

Few birds are more adorable than the waddling, quacking Duck! But for all its awkward cuteness, Duck can be a powerful spirit animal guide. A strong migratory flier, Duck is no stranger to the journey...
Breathing in Thailand

Breathing in Thailand

When I told my friend I was traveling to Chiang Mai, Thailand, for two weeks in January 2023, she said one thing she’ll never forget about me is that I’m fearless. Since my trip,...
earth element

The Elements: Relating what we observe in nature to what we uncover in our...

When I first began studying astrology, it felt like a combo of deciphering ancient Babylonian glyphs, re-living 10th-grade geometry, and pronouncing Uranus differently than my inner 12-year-old preferred. The astrological learning process became far...
cycle of death and rebirth

Following the Cycle of Death and Rebirth

"It is not more surprising to be born twice than once; everything in nature is resurrection." – Voltaire. The hardest things, the seemingly most impossible things to inwardly release are the things that sometimes magically release...
Tofte sunrise poem

Tofte Sunrise

It’s cold outside as I prepare myself in the darkness. Staying in bed would be so much better I think. It can wait, the sun will come up again tomorrow. Then a voice comes to me, why...
heal mother earth heal ourselves

Embracing the ‘Mother Ideal’

Calling on the “Mother” within, to Heal Ourselves & Mother Earth What Is The Mother Ideal? What is the mother ideal, you might be wondering? In many cultures across the globe, the ones most responsible for...
hibiscus sabdariffa flower

Hibiscus and What it Can Do for You

Have you ever really looked at a Hibiscus? The beauty of this flower is compelling. Most people recognize this flower as a tropical flower, in fact it is the state flower of Hawaii. In...