A Conversation With Susan Ekberg


Speaking from 2:15-4:15 p.m. Saturday, May 5, at Fargo Holistic Expo
Tickets: $25 at (763) 433-9291 or toll-free 1 (866) 809-8080. All major credit cards accepted ($2.50 charge for advance orders & mailing).

Susan Ekberg is a nationally known writer, public speaker, intuitive and Reiki master. She has written three children’s books (Pink Stars and Angel Wings, The Trust Walk, and Little Spiritseeker) and written and produced two meditation CDs (Home and Away). The Bismarck, N.D., native and graduate of Concordia College in Moorhead, teaches Reiki and other alternative classes, offers intuitive readings for people around the country, and she hosts a weekly radio show and writes a weekly newspaper column. She also sends out monthly messages from Spirit to people across the country. It is her mission to help people become empowered, and to realize their strength and beautiful, unlimited potential.

At Fargo Holistic Expo, Susan will speak on "Enlightenment in 3 Easy Steps!" Using stories, easy-to-remember tips, visualizations and readings on audience members, she makes the road to enlightenment fun. Come listen, laugh and learn.

When were you first aware of your intuitive or psychic abilities?
Susan Ekberg:
I first started working with it in the mid-1980s through my writing. I would journal and ask questions, and then I began to notice another voice coming in when I was writing. When I do my channeling, writing is the easiest way to do that. When trained in Reiki in 1998, my intuitive abilities put me into the public arena more with my work. I was kind of private with my personal spirituality, and then I just opened up so much psychically after that experience. It was the start of my public career.

Were you aware of or open to the inner realm when you were younger?
Yes. I had a lot of strange experiences growing up, and oddly enough, nobody told me anything was out of the ordinary. I had a very traditional church upbringing. I used to be able to, and still do, talk to animals. I always knew what the animals were thinking, but I thought everybody did, so I didn’t think anything of it. No one told me that most other people can’t do that. I used to tell people I had just a normal upbringing. My sister would laugh and say, "You were always weird." So, I guess she gave me a little bit of clarity that I didn’t have. I thought I was pretty normal.

She sensed that you could do things that weren’t normal.
Yeah. I had a couple of different experiences. I was about 7 years old and our dog had died, and I didn’t know he had died. My parents didn’t tell us. That night, I saw him come onto our bed. He laid down on the bed next to me. In the morning, everything was kind of fuzzy. I remember hearing a man’s voice saying, "Come on, Fritzie, it’s time to go." So I ran downstairs and asked where Fritzie was. They said he had died the day before. They hadn’t told us because they thought we’d be too upset. I remember that very clearly.

How do you describe what you do? Do you consider yourself to be more of a healer or a psychic channel?
I do some mediumship, channeling, healing and psychic/intuitive work. But all of it goes toward one common goal of helping people understand themselves from a broader, different, more expanded perspective. So, I’m trying to help people understand themselves and become empowered.

In the Fargo-Moorhead area, what do you do in the public realm?
I have a radio show called "The Next Step" that is on from noon to 1 p.m. on Sunday on 105.9 FM. I cover different topics, conduct interviews and I do live psychic readings for people who call into the show. I also wrote a weekly column in the High Plains Reader, also called "The Next Step," that answers questions from a spiritual perspective. And I do intuitive consulting, for people all over the country, live or by phone or e-mail. Sometimes people want the healing, and so I do that along with the intuitive work. I also teach classes through Moorhead Community Ed on topics like intuition development, pendulum work and creativity. I lead groups. We’re just starting up an empowerment group. And I do public speaking around the area, whatever they want me to speak on.

What will guests experience when they come and see you at the Fargo Holistic Expo?
People will expect to be greatly surprised, because the talk that I’m giving has never really been done. I’ve never really seen anything done like this before. I’m incorporating live readings with people along with practical tips and information. It’s going to be varied. I’ll be bringing in different aspects of body, mind and Spirit in a very fun, lighthearted way, but also in a very practical, serious way to be of the best help.

What are your thoughts on the fact that the Expo is coming to Fargo?
The funny thing about this is that I have been trying to manifest an expo here in Fargo for about five years. I met and talked with people and so many of them expressed an interest, but no one was ever able to bring everything together. When Gary Beckman said he was sitting in meditation and a spirit told him to bring an expo to Fargo, I just knew that that was the answer to our prayers. That was such a gift, because there are so many of us here who have wanted to do this. So we are so excited.

What would you say to somebody who’s never been to an expo like this before and may have some skepticism?
It is good to sit down with an open mind to see what’s out there. I don’t believe everything that I see. You have to practice discernment. But I think that there’s so much more out there than we’re aware of. Expos are a fun way to kind of explore. Just go with an open mindset. I think people will be pleasantly surprised to see the variety and the depth that’s possible here in our own area.

What would you say to somebody who’s never seen a psychic or channeler such as yourself?
A lot of people who have come to me had never been to a psychic, and others have had horrible experiences in which they’ve either been taken advantage of or cheated. What I tell people is that you know yourself the best. Anybody else is just looking at you from the outside in, including me. Keep your power and keep your discernment. Just understand that I’m seeing an expanded version of you, a version that a part of you already knows about. Hopefully if this is helpful to you, you’ll be able to remember it and it will trigger and reconnect things for you, helping to move you forward.

I don’t believe that any part of what I do is strange or "woo-woo" at all. I think everybody is connected and everybody is intuitive, just at different degrees of being able to tap into that, trust it and work with it.

What intuitive guidance do you have for people about these times that we’re living in right now?
These are such amazing times. First, have real faith in things unseen. A lot of people are experiencing physical symptoms that defy anything known in the medical field. We really have to trust that there’s a bigger blueprint out there, and that we’re working with exactly what we need to, at the exact rate that we need to, and in the exact way. We shouldn’t compare ourselves to anybody else, because everybody’s going through in unique ways.

My sense is that we’re dropping lower frequencies out of our bodies. Old habits, thought patterns, people and jobs are falling away from our lives, and that’s where the faith comes in. We’re actually transforming and healing in very mysterious ways. Connecting with other people is very important. Get in touch with how you are feeling. Are you feeling the anger thing right now?

I sense that many of us are feeling tension. From the higher level, I sense that it’s all part of our evolving process as a specie.
Right. The tension comes from a lot of people who have been feeling this death – the end of everything. A lot of that is the integration of the old ways, the ego, into this higher consciousness. It is a death of the ego, and that freaks everybody out.

We’re seeing all of our habits and neuroses dropping away, and a part of us knows that this is going to become a better thing, but yet we’re so used to being surrounded by these things. As we watch them leave, there’s a restlessness. Let’s just get this over with and get done so we can move into the new. For me, these feelings started last July. In mid-October, it was very intense. My information said that this intense transformation process would lift around the spring equinox.

For more information on Susan Ekberg, visit www.susanekberg.com.

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Tim Miejan
Tim Miejan is a writer who served as former editor and publisher of The Edge for twenty-five years. Contact him at [email protected].


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