Fundraiser supports music therapy for Alzheimer’s, dementia patients


music-memoryWalker Methodist has teamed up with Music & Memory to bring music therapy to their senior living communities and all communities who work with Music & Memory nationwide, and it has launched a fundraiser through to bring music into the lives of more people, specifically those with Alzheimer’s or dementia.

Music therapy has been linked with slowing memory loss, increasing recognition and recollection, and overall enhancing the lifestyle of residents using the program.

Funds raised will go towards providing iPods, headphones and iTunes custom music libraries to Walker Methodist residents suffering from memory issues. Eventually, Walker Methodist hopes to offer this program to every resident throughout all of their communities.

To donate to this campaign, visit: Walker Methodist has set a goal of receiving $85,000 in donations for their implementation of the Music & Memory program.

Music & Memory is a non-profit organization that brings personalized music into the lives of older adults through digital music technology, vastly improving quality of life. Executive Director Dan Cohen discovered that none of the 16,000 nursing homes in the U.S. used iPods for their residents. Drawing on his background in leveraging technology to benefit people who would otherwise have no access, he volunteered at a local nursing home in Greater New York, creating personalized playlists for residents. The program was a hit with residents, staff and families, and became the prototype for a bigger effort.

The Music & Memory program trains senior care professionals, as well as family caregivers, how to create and provide personalized playlists using iPods and related digital audio systems that enable those struggling with Alzheimer’s, dementia and other cognitive and physical challenges to reconnect with the world through music-triggered memories.

Music & Memory has produced a feature-length documentary, Alive Inside, that showcases the effects of music therapy to improve the quality of life for those impacted by the program . Learn more about the film at

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