In my late thirties, I was going through significant shifts in my life. I was evaluating all I had done so far, and was not happy with where I was — with who I was. My work with the federal government was unfulfilling to say the least, and I was spiraling down into deep sadness and depression.
Still within all this darkness, there was a little spark in my heart that wanted more, that was hopeful for change. The Lightworker within was struggling to come out and shine — but my mind was not sure how to make this happen. In this world of constant self-improvement, in this epidemic of feeling broken and not enough, I was wondering how I could change myself to become the Lightworker and spiritual teacher I wanted to be. I was wondering what I could do differently, how I could change my way of doing things, how I could change my nature to be more aligned with the Light. I was wondering how I could plan this transition from corporate zombie to awakened and joyful soul.
And this is when Maya came into my life, melted my heart, and pointed the way.
One day not long after she entered my life, I was walking with Maya at an outdoor community event. She was so happy to be sniffing all the new scents, discovering a new scenery and to be receiving attention from so many strangers. People would see her and immediately fall to their knees, asking if they could pet her. I could sense their joy, their wonder, and the opening of their hearts as they received attention and cuddles from my puppy-girl.
After a few hours, we stopped to rest and I felt myself going into that deeper realm. Like a giant wave of Love, Maya’s big life lesson for me washed over me and through me — and I had that proverbial “a-ha” moment.
With a cuddle and a kiss, Maya showed me that to bring joy and light to the world I didn’t have to be someone else. I didn’t have to change my nature. I didn’t have to struggle and try to make people like me. No plans were necessary — I didn’t have to wait until I lost weight, or until I had this or that certification. What I needed to do was simply to allow myself to fully be myself.
For years, I had tried to hide who I was — a spiritual and creative soul. For years, I had tried to fit into society and the corporate world. For years, I had tried to adopt other people’s plans and ideals. For years…I had been unhappy and suffering.
My challenge now was simply to remove all these masks, and to just be me. With Maya, I understood that dogs don’t try to be someone else. They don’t work hard to self-improve. They are authentic, true to themselves. They don’t question their sense of worth. They are a big bundle of furry love. I understood there was nothing else I needed to be — than me. I had no parts of me that were broken. I had no bits of me that were wrong. I just had to stop the struggle of trying — to be in the flow of the moment and just be me, discovering life around me. Interacting joyfully with the world. Allowing myself to receive love and appreciation instead of resisting and blocking.
From that moment in the park on a sunny afternoon, my life has changed. My soul found peace. I have learned to love and accept myself just as I am — for as Maya has taught me, that is enough.