All the indicators are pointing to this coming year 2019 as being a good year. Many are saying that after all the challenges from the past couple of years, this is going to be the year we have been waiting for. I certainly hope so!
This year continues to be supporting the rise of Feminine Consciousness. I like to refer to it as Lemuria Goddess Consciousness, i.e. the awakening of higher dimensions of awareness and spiritual power. Mother Earth continues to be important again this year. We will see her waking up and many forms of life reappearing that have been disappearing. Her water and her soil also will become cleaner this year.
In the Chinese Zodiac, this is the Year of the Female Earth Pig. She is the last year of a 12-years cycle of the Zodiac. Whatever lessons we failed to learn in earlier periods of this cycle, it is time to learn them now.
This cycle of the Chinese Zodiac was the first cycle of the Aquarian Age. We have been given time to adjust our consciousness to the new more universal and spiritual view of the Aquarian Age. The old world way of doing things was isolated and ego centered. This has created many difficulties on our planet, including environment, war, prejudice and greed in big business. This is all melting into a more universal approach that offers more love and harmony with all life.
The Female Earth Pig holds great prospects for our success and support for our spiritual growth and our life in harmony with nature. This will be a good year for agriculture, farming and living in nature. Though there might be some problems with flooding, I don’t see it as a major threat.
But water is also emotion, and I do see many people still living in frustration due to their egos not being able to see another way to live their life. The Pig will bring us many financial gifts and opportunities, but the Pig also can be absorbed so much in pleasure that she fails to see details that will cause loss or error.
The most important energy of this coming year will be during the Spring and Autumn Equinox. This is the time when there will be the most transformation and change. If you are following your intuition and guidance from your heart, you will have positive transformation during those times. If, however, you are in your head and following only your ego, you will feel challenged most of the year, particularly during the Equinox.