Starcodes: April 19-25


Starcodes reading for the week of April 19-25, 2024

Fasten your seatbelt and roll with the changes. Jupiter conjuncts Uranus, the planet named after the god of procreative chaos. We feel this aspect all spring long, though it perfects this week. Mercury, now retrograde, turns direct next Thursday. The metaphorical dust will settle in the weeks ahead and allow us to see where we’re going, but this week we could feel unsettled, tossed in a blanket.

Any conjunction acts like a new Moon when the Sun and Moon align and begin a new monthly cycle. Jupiter expands and Uranus acts like the cosmic clutch; it allows, even insists, that we shift gears and innovate. Their conjunction approximately every 13 years synchronizes with real breakthroughs in science and technology, for better or worse, shifts in societal patterns, and often an urgent call for our own personal shifts. If we want to maintain the status quo, this aspect can be unnerving. If we want change, this aspect helps us manifest and adapt. And as this is occurring in an earth sign, it may synchronize with literal shifts in tectonic plates.

Let’s look at some examples – Uranus conjunct in 1914 in air sign Aquarius as WW1 began, it changed European social structure and brought new technology, including crude airplanes, into the war. In 1927 this conjunction in fiery Aries synchronized with the first papers on The Big Bang Theory along with the first transatlantic phone calls and plane flights. Jupiter and Uranus conjunct in 1941 in Taurus in the middle of World War II and correlated with changes in boundaries, political, technological, and societal upheavals. And in 1954 in watery Cancer it synchronized with the first mass vaccinations against polio, first organ transplants, and first article on the carbon dioxide theory of climate change, and a change in urban/suburban life. In 1968 Jupiter conjunct Uranus in relational air-sign Libra in the midst of the mid-60s social revolutions and the first crewed Apollo missions. 1983 conjunction in Sagittarius brought the public creation of the Internet and with it a new perception of the global community. The conjunction in 1997, in Aquarius, launched Google and Amazon went public. The 2010 conjunction in Aquarius occurred as Obama pushed our society forward and Zoom was founded.

This conjunction has been cooking as AI became a daily reality. Look for new tech in the pipeline, may it help avert the worst of climate change. Contemplate what good changes we can invoke in our personal lives.

So this week is full of change and potential surprises, don’t expect to get a clear picture of the arc until the dust settles in a few weeks. As Jupiter conjunct Uranus, anything is possible and major shifts are happening, we can stay alert to see how we can direct those changes into a good way. Let’s be willing to do our end of the homework to make it so. Mercury turns direct on Tuesday bringing all the swirling storms and shifting gears but can begin to help us see what’s been out of alignment, and move forward. Search for truth, safety, and healthy evolution rather than try to predict the outcome or stick to the map. Okay.

starcodes astrology week of April 19 through 25

Friday, April 19: The Sun enters merry, earthy Taurus this morning and steadies us but doesn’t leave us grounded, unless we choose to go there. We might need to get something off our chest, complain or critique as Mercury conjuncts Venus in insistent Aries under a particular Virgo Moon. Put critics at the head of the committee to solve the problem. The world could feel heavy tonight: rather than argue, rest and nourishment help as Moon opposes Saturn and Mars.

Mercury conjunct Venus 2:59 AM, the Sun enters Taurus 7:59 AM, Mars Sextile Jupiter 9:28 AM, Moon opposes Saturn 3:52 PM, Mars sextile Uranus 5:55 PM, Sun semi-squares Saturn 11:40 PM.

Saturday, April 20: We could feel uncomfortable or irritable painfully aware of needed changes as the Moon opposes Mars and Neptune on this edgy day. Be careful not to try to change others, they will not appreciate it, but we can all pivot towards good changes on both a personal and cultural level as Jupiter exactly conjunct Uranus under that observant Virgo Moon. Evening softens as the Moon enters friendly Libra, share a vision of what a good change might be.

Moon trine Jupiter 4:13 AM, Moon trine Uranus 4:27 AM, Moon opposes Mars 5:09 AM, Moon opposed Neptune 6:19 PM, Jupiter conjunct Uranus 8:26 PM, Moon enters Libra 9:08 PM.

Sunday, April 21: This could be a day of healing or painful awareness of what needs healing as the Sun squares Pluto while Venus conjuncts the asteroid Chiron at the point where the recent eclipse occurred and exposed a problem. We can list shortcomings and second-guess decisions made throughout a lifetime, worry about outcomes. Choose love and support, hope and healing instead. Offer a kindly reflection to one another.

Moon trine Pluto 1:20 AM, Venus conjunct Chiron 5:48 AM, Sun square Pluto 11:01 AM.

Monday, April 22: Our hearts, our lives, our creative process could ferment and bubbles. The Libra Moon and Taurus Sun calls for cuddly connection, to become comfortable, safe, and stable. But Venus and retrograde Mercury in Aries nudge us to insist on our own process, push people away and say we don’t need help, or just not quite trust that connection will give us room for ourselves. Find a balance.

Moon opposed Mercury 6:09 AM, Moon opposed Venus 5:24 PM.

Tuesday, April 23: The emotional winds pick up speed, political storms linger on the horizon as the Moon waxes full in Scorpio at 5:48 PM MDT. Expect contradictions and conflicting needs, take time alone to realize what’s not anybody else’s fault, what we do have control over, and where we’re called to introspect. It will not further to push or to try to make anything happen as Mercury appears to hold still in the sky. Understand at a deeper level; act in a few days.

Moon enters Scorpio 9:19 AM, Moon squares Pluto 1:27 PM, Moon opposes the Sun 5:48 PM.

Wednesday, April 24: The mood is stubborn, swirling in place, calling us deep within. We’ll be aligned with the energies if we can use this day to introspect and focus. If we try to hurry, get things accomplished, feel understood, or get others to cooperate with us, we may be out of luck. Rein in any cot-coal impulses to get even, retribution, it will not teach a lesson (life has that in progress)but will burn the holder. When in doubt, hold still look at the roots, look at the depths, gently build something solid.

Moon trine Saturn 4:51 PM.

Thursday, April 25: A turning point day; this could be the best of days, the worst of days. Begin to straighten out misunderstandings and misalignments as the energy swirls and recent snafus are revealed. Mercury turns direct just before 7:00 am ; When planets turns, the energy first spins in place then moves forward, we can feel fresh wind beginning to pick up as the Moon forms powerfully positive aspects during the day. Don’t expect warm fuzzies or understanding until tonight and work to nurture them in the weeks ahead as the Moon enters liberating Sagittarius tonight.

Moon opposed Uranus 4:25 AM, Moon opposed Jupiter 5:54 AM, Mercury turns direct at 6:54 AM, Moon trine Mars 12:25 PM, Moon trine Neptune 5:16 PM, Moon enters Sagittarius 7:36 PM, Moon Sextile Pluto 11:36 PM.

Provided by Heather Roan Robbins


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Heather Roan Robbins
Astrology does not define the future, it describes a pulse, a pattern – you choose how you respond. Let me know what you need, I can do an in-depth reading or work on a specific question. Readings start with a deep look at your natal chart, transits and progressions; who you are, your strengths, weaknesses, and your soul’s priorities, what’s being triggered in your chart now, and how best to work with those energies. I work via Zoom and phone. I am a practical, intuitive, choice-oriented astrologer, ordained interfaith minister, OBOD member, and Hay House author. Find my weekly "Starcodes" astrological forecast on The Edge website.


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