A Journey with the Rivers

The Columbia River © Barbara Ryman

I’ve been guided to the rivers. Never would I have expected this, yet when I look back over my life there were signs. Growing up, I played for hours in and around Minnehaha Creek that empties into the Mississippi. During my 20 years of touring as a singer-songwriter, I spent my down time hiking in the forests and mountains often along rivers.
Whenever I toured west, I made it a point to stop at the confluence of rivers in western Montana forming the headwaters of the great Missouri River. Something there was profound and powerful and touched me at a deep level. Then, in the summer of 2012 as I was preparing for a long road trip and thinking of all the beautiful spots I would visit, the Missouri entered my mind and a realization and knowing swelled deep in my heart. I had work to do with the rivers. It was a part of my mission and it was time I honored it.

Source of the Rio Grande © Barbara Ryman

I trusted this even though I had no idea what this would look like. My guidance told me to go to the source of rivers and Lemurian crystals would be needed. I gathered all the Lemurian crystals I could find and headed west, knowing the first river would be the Missouri. On my way, I stopped at another place I had always been drawn to, the Black Hills, especially Bear Butte, the holy mountain of the Lakota/Dakota people. There I would offer my prayers for guidance.
It was at Bear Butte where I experienced my initiation into the mission. As I entered the drive that ascended to the foot of Bear Butte, a huge buffalo was resting at the side of the road as if to greet me. Only five feet away, I stopped and in silence stared into his eyes and he into mine. There was no threat as I felt myself enveloped in the energy of this magnificent creature. A Native American woman came down to see the buffalo, saying the buffalo never rested that close to the road and this was special. I went on to the foot path and walked up the mountain in prayer. I experienced so much love and confirmation, my insecurities and doubts washed away and I fully committed to the project.

Headwaters of the Missouri River © Barbara Ryman

Five hundred miles further west, I arrived at the headwaters of the Missouri, the first river and my first experience of carrying out the work. As I approached the riverbank, I held a large golden Lemurian crystal, which I knew would be my master crystal. In the other hand, I held a small Lemurian crystal. I opened to Spirit and to my guides and called forth the spirit of the river. Immediately and spontaneously I began chanting in a language I did not recognize, but I knew it was specific to the river. It felt familiar like a song.

I could feel the spirit of the river rise up in joy and recognition. Then, as I opened more, a huge download of energy entered me, entered the master crystal and transferred to the small crystal. This energy was expansive and full of love; it seemed to be coming from the Earth, the sky, the river and my own heart. I felt the presence of star beings and the Lemurians assisting in the process. It all happened very quickly, and when it was complete, I placed the small crystal into the river. I felt another wave of crystalline energy expanding through the river, knowing it was energetically assisting in restoring the original pristine purity of the river. I gave thanks and wept because the beauty was overwhelming. I traveled on, finding the source of the Colorado, Rio Grande, Columbia and Mississippi rivers, and experiencing the joy of the work.

To date, I’ve gone to the source waters of 221 rivers, leaving a crystal in each one. I find every river to be unique, each with its own song that I’m able to open to and chant as I work. I feel blessed and honored to be carrying out my part in anchoring some amazing light on this amazing planet!  This work has been documented in the form of a website at www.crystallineriver.com

May all be blessed and let us remember what our Lakota and Dakota brothers and sisters have stated, Mni Wiconi: Water is Life!

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Barbara Ryman
Barbara Ryman is an advanced level Frequencies of Brilliance practitioner, having trained 11 years with Christine Day in this cutting-edge modality for healing and spiritual awakening. An award-winning singer-songwriter, she has recorded seven CDs over the course of a 20-year touring history. Her new release, Breathe, is "deeply spiritual, addressing journeys, destinies and connections. Ryman calls it new-age folk. We call it amazingly graceful," writes Jon Bream of the Minneapolis Star Tribune. Prior to this she worked 28 years with children as a speech-language pathologist. She also received her MS degree in counseling psychology. Visit www.crystallineriver.com and www.barbryman.com.


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