An Interview with Persian Guru, Kambiz Naficy


Kambiz Naficy is a meditation master and the founder of the international organization,
Joy of Life. The mission of Joy of Life is to create joyful and stress-free living
worldwide by raising human consciousness. Kambiz integrates the wisdom of ancient
Kriya Yoga teachings with modern holistic sciences, such as quantum physics and
Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Through Kriya yoga practices, including energetic
breathing and meditation, Kambiz promotes Self-exploration and empowerment while
helping people reach their full potential.

Kambiz is extending his Joy of Life organization to the United States and will be conducting his first U.S. retreat in St. Paul in January. His interest in the United States stems from the three decades he lived here, and his experiences at the Maharishi International University in Iowa.

The following are excerpts taken from an interview conducted with Kambiz in Sri Lanka:

Have you been interested in spirituality from an early age?
Kambiz Naficy:
I was born in the mystical land of Persia. When I was a little boy, my father often recited the poetry of Rumi and Hafez. I would listen intensely, because I loved my father and the wisdom of that poetry. My own nature was a philosophical one. I remember being 6 or 7 years old and distinguished adults would find themselves sharing problems with me and asking a little boy’s opinion about life issues.

What would you describe as the turning point in your life, causing you to change the course of your life?
I was in my thirties, had already earned multiple graduate degrees and had worked in Wall Street. I had owned my own company, the BMW and expensive clothes. Then, I began to outgrow my old way of life, mainly because I looked around and found that all the leaders that I admired were themselves full of fear and worries. Their marriages were a mess, their children lacking love and their energies managed through drugs. No matter where I looked, I could not find a person who was truly inner-directed, and creating success from inside-out.

I decided to sell my computer firm and many extras in my life. I moved from New York out to Maharishi International University in Iowa. There I spent two years in near silence, studying the Gita and Upanishads.

Would you describe Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and Transcendental Meditation as the key influences that guided your inner journey?
TM was the beginning of my journey. Through mantra repetition and Maharishi’s videotapes, I learned to concentrate my mind. After 18 months of deep silence, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi gave us his Siddha initiation and to my surprise, while reciting Patanjali’s sutras, my body floated above the floor. After two years, I left for India and met with Sathya Sai Baba, Sri Karunimaya and Swami Hari Harananda. Interestingly, all three told me that they were my guides, but not my Guru. My Guru is a little boy of 8 who had not lived in the body for centuries. During this period, Swami Hari Harananda appeared in my life and initiated me in Babaji’s Kriya Yoga.

What are the influences of NLP and Quantum physics on your journey?
Patanjali often points to Samskaras (subconscious negative tendencies beyond our control) as obstacles in the way of enlightenment. Neuro Linguistic Programming is a fast and effective way to reprogram negative, unconscious mental habits by transforming our negative mental tendencies into positive thought patterns. This happens because the subconscious mind recognizes no difference between present moment reality and optimal reality as you wish to visualize it. Also, the subconscious mind does not care whether you feed it negative or positive thoughts or images. Whatever thought or image you consciously choose, the subconscious mind will immediately obey and manifest that notion in your daily life, "You are what you think."

Quantum physics is the doorway to the invisible world of Brahman (The God Force). The ancient Vedas hint at the fact that beyond the smallest of the material particles (atoms), there exists a self-aware, loving and infinitely intelligent Light. This divine light is no other than The God Force, or Brahman. Modern particle physics laboratories are conducting experiments based on the findings of physicists like Einstein and Bohr. Scientists are now discovering that the quantum world is the spiritual dimension, the very Source of all creation.

Once you understand and experience the Light that shines beneath the atom, you are instantly filled with love, light and Spirit. Once you learn how to influence the dance of the atom, you can influence and collaborate with the very building block of the material plane (the atom).

Today, we see tremendous strife in the world, but at another level, many people are seeking inner peace. What are your views on this paradox?
The world population, more than ever before, is split between those who want to manipulate through external power (fear-based), and those who lead through authentic power (based on love and mutual respect). This deep rift is actually necessary and is being brought about by The God Force. I believe that the age of ignorance is falling apart; those who understand the world of invisible, divine energies are learning to dance through life. Those who want to hammer away on the physical dimension will eventually break their own bodies.

Is there anything else that you would like to share with our readers?
Go into silence and hear the "silent voice within…Understand what it is that you really want in life…Focus your mind, concentrate and visualize success everyday when you awaken…Take a few steps each day toward your goal without being distracted…Refresh your energies through spiritual practice…When you become successful, give something back to humanity.

Kambiz Naficy will lead a retreat at Macalester College in St. Paul on January 16-18, 2009. For information on the retreat, visit the Joy of Life website, email [email protected], or call 952.594.4346.

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Emily Paul
Emily Paul has been studying Kriya Yoga with Kambiz Naficy since attending her first Joy of Life retreat in Colombo, Sri Lanka, in January 2006. It was her pleasure to co-coordinate the first Joy of Life retreat in the United States, which was held in St. Paul, Minnesota, in January 2009.


  1. i will take the habit of :
    Go into silence and hear the “silent voice within…Understand what it is that you really want in life…Focus your mind, concentrate and visualize success everyday when you awaken…Take a few steps each day toward your goal without being distracted…Refresh your energies through spiritual practice…When you become successful, give something back to humanity.
    Thank you so much.


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