Feline Wisdom | Possibility


As humans, we sometimes make choices based on beliefs that are self-limiting and rob us of the radiant joy we so generously deserve. Dwelling in possibility and opening ourselves to unlimited good can definitely feel a little un-comfort zone-y, but relaxing and embracing our divine infinite potential is a sure-fire key to real happiness.

One of my favorite quotations comes from inner peace guru Wayne Dyer. He talks about “having a mind that is open to everything and attached to nothing.” This means that, even if an outcome looks differently than we expected, we stay in the flow and meet it with gratitude and grace, knowing there is always possibility at every turn. And later, we are usually grateful for the turn of events.

I observe my cats doing this very thing. Cats follow their bliss. Whether it’s napping, going after a catnip banana, or trying to steal a piece of cheese from the counter, they know what they want and they go for it! You remove them from the counter and they head over to a shoebox and chill for a few hours. They don’t look back and mourn the cheese that might have been; they move on to the next great experience and fully embrace it.

How many times do we mourn the cheese that might have been? What would it be like if, after being removed from the counter, we lovingly affirmed the shoebox…and ourselves? I mean, seriously, who loves themselves more than cats? Sure, the cheese would have been nice, but the shoebox is so cozy…with a great view of the birdfeeder!

Let’s look to our feline friends as models of thinking big and staying in the flow. Why not go after what we want? Whether it’s a job, a relationship, a project, or some healing work you know needs to happen. Do it! Go after the cheese, releasing all attachment to outcome! You’ll never know success if you don’t try, right? If you happen to get removed from the counter, find that shoebox and love it. And when the birds show up at the feeder, you’ll think, “Boy, I’m so glad I was removed from that counter and found this box!”

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Angie Bailey
Angie Bailey writes humorous essays and musings about cats, family, and glimpses into the quirky, delicious, and oftentimes thought-provoking experiences of life.


  1. It is true, if humanity were to follow the feline way “no cheese, oh nice box, birdies,” earth would be a more peaceful place, the human race would become the blissful race.

    Nice article, thanks for sharing yours wisdom.


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