The Spanish Stonehenge


The long drought this summer has meant very low water levels in reservoirs across Europe and the UK. Water levels are said to be below 30% and this has exposed an ancient stone circle in Spain.

Officially called the Dolmen of Guadelperal, the circles of large stones are said to date back to 5000 BC, unofficially its being called “The Spanish Stonehenge”.

Dolmen of Guadalperal Spanish Stonehenge

It was originally discovered by German archeologist Hugo Obermaier in 1926, but was lost when the area was flooded in a rural development project in 1963. Spanish museums are excited over who will have the stones re-erected in their buildings, as when water levels rise, they will again be lost.

Stonehenge is a massive draw for American’s visiting the United Kingdom. Spanish tourism says that, once moved to a better location, these will also be a great tourist attraction.

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T. Stokes
T. Stokes, Holistic Palmist, has many years of study under such masters as Mir bashir, Cyrus Abayakoon Chun Li PO and David Brandon Jones, and healing masters Harry Edwards, and Abe Solomons, and psychologists Henry Rey Joyce Mc Dougall and Hans Eysenck have given him a deep understanding of the human condition. He was a lecturer in paraspiritual studies, metaphysics, and eschatology. He writes for magazines worldwide and is author of "50 CASE STUDIES IN MODERN PALMISTRY."


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