The Path of Souls: An Interview with William Henry


Your new book is called, The Judgment Day Device. What is the Judgment Day Device you speak of?
The premise of the book is that the big three religions — Judaism, Christianity and Islam — all have a prophecy, an end-time prophecy or what is referred to as a Judgment Day Prophecy with the appearance of a Messianic figure — you can call it the Christ, the Messiah, or the Mahdi.

Most people do know that these religions have these prophecies and that it is a tremendous sense of conflict. But what most people don’t know is that all three of those figures are symbolized by the same symbol or device, and that is the Ark of the Covenant. I call it The Judgment Day Device, because all three religions proclaim that this figure will reveal the secrets of the Ark of the Covenant and its sign, or seal. An alternative word for sign or seal is the word device, which in English means a tool, an appliance. I believe the Ark of the Covenant operates on all of those levels. It is a sign, it’s a symbol, but it may be an actual tool or device that as many people believe is lost and will ultimately be recovered.

The book is a fresh look at the Ark of the Covenant. So many of the popular books of the ’90s and later about the Ark of the Covenant are recycled versions of themselves, of the same books. They all cite the same popular sources, but they never go beyond the surface to actually take a deeper look at what exactly was the Ark of the Covenant.

I mean, did Steven Spielberg nail it in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade? No. As it turns out, Steven Spielberg had no clue what he was talking about when he presented the Ark of the Covenant, or George Lucas as well, in those Indiana Jones movies. This is a misconception that the Ark of the Covenant is a simple golden box that is going to be recovered and will be presented to the world as just this storage container. Sometimes it is portrayed as a communications device or as an energy capacitor. Some think it’s a weapon, because the Bible stories say it is radioactive.

These are some of the typical takes you get on what is the Ark of the Covenant, but when you read the Bible, it says the Ark of the Covenant is the throne of God, and upon this throne is what is described as a radiant or luminous humanoid figure manifesting between the wings of the Cherubim on the Ark of the Covenant.

That means the Ark of the Covenant is what today we call a teleportation or a star gate device. It is some kind of an anchoring point or a channel through which this fast-moving Divine being can manifest, and humans can have face-to-face encounters with this figure. What I demonstrate in the book is that this is exactly what the Bible says the Ark of the Covenant was. What will be amazing to most people, certainly to most Christians, is the evidence that I put forward that shows, in fact, that not just Moses, but also Jesus was very familiar with the Ark of the Covenant and may have actually utilized it as part of His mission.

And you also tie in Islam saying that perhaps Mohammed was knowledgeable of that type of device, as well.
Exactly. The Islamic tradition holds that the Ark of the Covenant is the property of not just the Mahdi, but, in fact, of the Islamic people. That would be quite surprising news to most Jews and Christians, who believe that the Ark of the Covenant, if they know anything about it, is simply a Jewish relic, but it’s not.

Your research in the book reminded me of a mystery story as you uncovered information by exploring ancient art, myth and literature.
It’s one of these cases where something is hidden in plain sight. The art work literally shows us what the device is. In the book I offer examples where you see this astounding pillar emanating from the Ark of the Covenant. Indeed, the Israelites described what they called the Pillar of Righteousness manifesting from the Ark of the Covenant, and they described it as a pillar of light, upon which these righteous beings ascend and descend from the earthly to the Heavenly realms. When you look at the art and you combine it with what the texts say about it, at least in my imagination, it drew this clear picture that we’re talking about the Ark as some kind of a teleportation device or a transportation system.

You present the art that depicts thrones and different objects, but you also discuss the power of symbols and suggest that such a device can be enacted in our imagination and through meditation.
I’m really glad you caught that point, Tim, because to me that’s the real key — that was the key reveal in the book. The most surprising thing to me about the research that I did in the writing of the book was the realization that throughout history they talk about the Ark as a set of symbols with the knowledge that these have corollaries. They are psycho-spiritual symbols.

You are talking about not just collecting pieces of a device out here, but our body is the actual device that we’re trying to assemble and to transform into this teleportation system.

Jewish mystics would know, for example, that the basic symbols of the Ark of the Covenant include a golden box and the rod of Aaron. Aaron’s name means enlightenment, so this is the rod of light or rod of enlightenment, the flask of manna, and the clues of what they call the “ointment of glory,” or resurrection oil. These are the basic pieces of the Ark, and sometimes they are identified in these books that talk about the Ark of the Covenant.

What distinguishes my book from others is that I realized these are pieces of a kit that are to be assembled and that, in fact, these represent aspects of ourselves. The Ark of the Covenant is the container that holds the rod of enlightenment.

A lot of people are familiar with the chakras. Think of our body as an energy system. In my view, the lower three chakras compose the Ark of the Covenant, and upon the lower three chakras is placed the spinal cord system, which is our anatomical rod of enlightenment. The two tablets of the law upon which the Ten Commandments are written, are the two hemispheres of our brain. And when we get this human antenna fully functioning, when we assemble these pieces, our body is capable, according to mystics, of producing an enlightenment oil that transmutes our body into light.

So if you’re thinking the Ark of the Covenant is an Indiana Jones box sitting in Ethiopia or wherever, as has been proposed by some, you’re not looking at yourself. We say, “Wait a minute. Oh, I get it! My body itself is the throne of God. What I’m supposed to do it to purify myself, activate my latent spiritual capability so I can hold this Divine energy.”

When you start to take the approach that I’m suggesting here, it puts you right in the center of it. Realize that each of us is, in fact, that Divine conduit, that Divine pillar of righteousness that they were talking about. The reason I think archeologists can’t find the Ark of the Covenant is because they don’t realize that they’re always sitting on it.

It’s more symbolic than archeologic.
It’s us, yeah! And what got me on that path, by the way, was carefully reading the Bible where we’re told that this Israelite craftsman named Bezaleel, who actually made the Ark of the Covenant for Moses, was a master craftsman. He was given a pattern for the creation of the Ark. A pattern is like a blueprint, but it’s also an image. Bezaleel was said to have received this Divine wisdom from God, in the Book of Exodus.

You have to wonder why would God give Bezaleel all the wisdom of the universe, which is what we’re talking about here, just to make a simple golden box? That’s the first tip that we’re talking about something far more profound. And then we’re told that the Ark of the Covenant, the earthly Ark, is based on an exact pattern, a copy, of the Heavenly original. So, there are at least two Arks of the Covenant — one on Earth and one in Heaven. I’m thinking that that pattern was like a download. Bezaleel was given the pattern or the blueprint in his imagination, and despite being an early Israelite, he might have been like an early Nikola Tesla, who was reputed to have been able to make functioning models of his inventions in his imagination.

That’s when it became clear to me that, hey, wait a minute. Building this in our imagination is just as good as building it in the “real world.”
continued on Page 3

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Tim Miejan
Tim Miejan is a writer who served as former editor and publisher of The Edge for twenty-five years. Contact him at [email protected].


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