Dave Oshana presenting enlightenment transmission events


oshana“Enlightenment: Living The Life You Were Born To Live” will be presented in the Twin Cities in late September by Dave Oshana, who started sharing his uniquely effective approach to spirituality after being irrevocably transformed by the Enlightenment Transmission in June 2000. Since then, Oshana has internationally taught thousands of truth-seekers through published articles, email correspondences and live teaching events (including an audience of more than 600 people).

Oshana defines enlightenment as such: “Enlightenment is where you recover the awareness of your original self. After birth you progressively followed the whims and dictates of those around you in order to avoid punishment and receive rewards. Consequently, you forgot who you were. Enlightenment happens when the false identity (often called the ego) drops away thus allowing your true light to shine.”

A preview of the two-day Enlightenment Transmission Intensive will take place from 7-9 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 23, at Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, 3675 Arboretum Dr., Chaska, MN, during which time Oshana will share his accumulated wisdom about becoming enlightened, gained after nine years of teaching this spiritual path. Participants will: experience the Enlightenment Transmission; increase their awareness, energy level and sense of inner knowing; and get closer to perceiving reality and life’s purpose. The cost is $10.

The 12-hour weekend intensive – entitled “The 5 Essential Elements to the Path to Enlightenment” – will be September 26-27. The cost is $195 is paid before September 23, $220 afterward. The aim of the Intensive is to deliver a good basic overview of the Enlightenment Teaching, experience the hidden energetic tapestry of life, enter into deep meditation,  provide helpful lifestyle advice based on nature, harmony and the elements and go through the No-mind state.

Personal one-to-one meetings with Oshana are bookable September 22 through October 6, offering a chance to be with Oshana and clear the obstacles from your spiritual path.

For more information and to register, call 612.210.7936, email [email protected] and visit www.enlightenment-now.com

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