Maintaining Balance within the Light


Our spiritual community, as well as all of humanity, is being called to a higher vibrational resonance since the December 2012 celestial alignment has taken place. The momentum will continue to expand and quicken, and you might be experiencing some wobble in maintaining your balance with the newest accelerations of energy.

Some of the symptoms you might recognize are dizziness, unexplained fevers, nausea and vertigo — and one I have had to deal with: loss of thought. Just boom, brain freeze. So before you think something is wrong and get caught up in that downward spiral, and to help gain your balance get quiet, connect with your source in meditation and gently repeat this equalizing mantra: “Equal speed, Equal speed, Equal speed.”

Feel the two energies, you and the Light, becoming one. This will begin the process of bringing you into balance with the new levels of light that are drawing you forward. Remember that you — and you alone — create your own reality, so know that the vibration you send out will bring you exactly what you are asking for. Please take at least 10 minutes for this process. As you go through the rest of the steps you may need to repeat this again.

After that, there are a few steps to master so that you can not only experience your transformational self, but also maintain your balance as the energies increase:

  • I Trust Myself, I Trust My Heart and I Trust My Universal Flow. You must have Faith and Trust to simply follow your inspired thought and see where it leads. Sometimes it is not a desire you even know you have, but be aware that there is a greater force at work that KNOWS the trajectory of expansion taking place for all of us and we as Light Beings are devoted to this plan. You are on the right track when you feel propelled by joy!
  • I embrace my perceived stumbling along the way. In my experience this is the most masterful tool in my kit. Overwhelm, planning, disappointments, financial setbacks are all perceptions of the moment. Being able to maintain your balance is to recognize that each of these things present choices. To embrace the contrast in the moment is to respect yourself enough to stretch beyond the conditional feeling for the best feeling you can find.
  • Unconditional Self Love. There was a moment a few days ago that overwhelm had engulfed me, swallowed me whole and was about to digest me. So I used my daily practice of basking. I picked myself up, got out of town and helped someone paint their house. When I returned home, everything was still waiting for me, but my mood had shifted because my vibrational attitude changed. The atmosphere was different and my flow returned.
  • I have set my intention to completely let go and let the universe sweep me up into the arms of happiness and Joy. Painting those walls offered me the quiet serenity I needed to let go of the conditions, to stop thinking, feel relaxed and regroup. Staying connected to the Light requires an understanding of the Law of Attraction. Your thoughts, your stressed feelings and your anxiety gains momentum swiftly, bringing you exactly measure for measure what you don’t want.

Get what you do want: Take a break, head west, play music, go for a hike, then…only focus on what you want…my world my way! Let this vibrational atmosphere become sweet and savory as it gains velocity along the trajectory of your deepest desire. The only goal here is to feel good, to unconditionally feel expectant of happiness. Allow these feelings to well up until you just have to laugh. Now you are there! 

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AlixSandra Parness, D.D.
AlixSandra Parness, D.D., is an ordained minister, doctor of divinity, author, trained clairvoyant healer and dedicated teacher of the transformational healing arts. She founded the AlixSandra Parness Inner Focus Advanced Energy Healing School, established in 1991 as an international vehicle for attaining enlightenment and world peace. As a teacher of teachers, she has trained students worldwide to transform their own lives and be an effective force for good in the world. As an author, AlixSandra is extending her reach globally as she brings her much-needed message: Activate joy and live your life beyond limitation into your everyday life.


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