The Delicacy–1418


The delicacy
Of these sounds:
A train, lizards in the bush,
Distant religious music
Loud enough for me
To chant with,
Celebration of voices
Rising up into the sky
Simplicity with sitar
Climbing with the moon,
Quarter crescent,
A lute and the stars
All become you
Me, us.

Fare for All pop up grocery store
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Wendy E. Slater
Wendy E. Slater, in her youth, found her greatest gift of expression in poetry -- and then went dormant. Years later, on a trip to Scotland, the fount reopened. She had been through a crucible of chronic illness that forever changed her, launching Wendy on a quest for meaning and life reexamination. That quest opened a gateway into self-healing that resulted in 20 volumes of simmering, soul-searing and spiritual poetry that deftly points humankind toward a new awareness of our Oneness with all humanity, nature, the cosmos and the divinity. Into the Hearth, Poems-Volume 14, is the first of her volumes to reach publication. These poems are excerpts, by permission of Traduka Publishing.



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