Call of the Conch “Ask for what you desire.”


Questions can be dangerous – they require tremendous courage to ask because new questions lead to new ways of perceiving. All new and original thought begins with a question, which leads to an exploration.

Answers are everywhere, but first you must ask a question. My exploration began with an unspoken question to the Universe… Can I have what I really want? It came at a time when many things in my life were uncertain – where I would live and what I would do. I had left a 25-year marriage. The lease was up on my apartment, and I didn’t know where I would live. I wondered if I would ever find my soulmate. My consulting business was surviving, but money was tight. I was in doubt about my future, questioning what would happen to me.

During this uncertain time several years ago, I was co-facilitating an experiential workshop on passion and purpose in the Yucatan in Mexico. One afternoon while walking along a deserted tropical beach, I had a sudden passion to find a conch shell and I announced it to my companion. I didn’t know why… I could see this shell clearly in my mind. I knew exactly what I wanted and asked to find it. After walking for some time on the beach, I began to lose hope as there were almost no shells on this beach. So, I said out loud to my companion, “I would be happy to find just the center spiral of a conch shell.”

Suddenly I looked up and saw two men walking towards me. Surprisingly dressed in business clothes with dress shoes, they were definitely not dressed for the beach. As they approached, one of them pointed toward the water and said, “There, that’s for you!” As I moved closer, about 8 feet out in the water there was a conch shell – a large totally whole conch shell. I picked it up and showed it to my companion. I turned around to thank the men only to find they were nowhere in sight. In that moment I knew these Guardian Angels had been sent to me with the message – “Ask for what you desire.”

call of the conch - ask for what you desire

I was awed and elated. This conch shell represented success for me. At that moment I knew I could have whatever I wanted. I just had to ask. I ponder that magical moment every time I look at the conch shell in my office. What was it about the conch shell that I wanted? What else do I need to know? After I asked that question, an Aztec dancer was placed on my path and told me the conch shell is the messenger. The answer affirmed my role as the Modern-day Muse; I am the messenger for passion and I’m here to bring it to the world.

It’s time again to ask new questions and listen for the conch’s message. Ask for what you want and bring it into your life. 2024 is the year to manifest your desires!

As I ask the questions for what I want, a new Adventure begins!


Lori Palm Feb 2023 Crossroads Survey

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Lori Palm
is the CEO of Core Passion Inc. A life-long entrepreneur, Lori is a modern-day muse inspiring passion, purpose, and possibilities to fuel success for individuals, business owners, and organizations. She sees the unseen opportunities everywhere. She is the creator of the Core Passion® Assessment, a unique validated, on-line self-assessment that discovers the inner forces that drive us and converts that discovery into measurable results. Lori guides people/businesses to discover and ignite their passion and develop plans that turn burning desire into gold.


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