The 5th Chakra: Communication, Listening, Inner Identity and Telepathy


What did I say? What did I hear?

The Fifth Chaka is located at the notch of the neck. Its color is blue, its element is ether and its vibrational sound is Ham. You can hum this word, Ham (Hahmm), and allow the vibration to reverberate through your system. This can help you to open this Chakra and to get it flowing. This Chakra vibrates a subtle body. This Chakra is about voice, inner identity and listening. You will also find that it includes the telepathic channels which run along your jaw line and your ears. Communication beyond time and space.

It is from here that we express our creative will. Whereas the 3rd Chakra is more about will power, this Chakra is more like a song of our creative will. What is creative will, you ask? This is our will to live, to engage, to express our deepest most essential self. It is how we cultivate our creative self-expression in our everyday relationships. For some, that could be through voice, song, writing, playing an instrument, painting, or just being your fullest self. We each carry a unique vibration in this world, and it is from here that you express that. Maybe you are a wonderful cook and enjoy feeding people, perhaps you are funny and you make people laugh, maybe you are into beautiful clothes and you express beauty through your dress. Allow your consciousness to flow through you and express itself through your fifth chakra. The creative self is much bigger than what we think it is. How we relate to each other takes creativity, how we express ourselves, how we teach, it can go on and on. Expand your concept of what creativity means, what being an artist means, and allow yourself to express who you truly are.

fifth chakra is about communication idenity and inner identity

This is the Chakra of deep listening. When we learn to quiet the many voices, the chatter, the critic, the “I should, I have to and I ought,” we can find a place of deep listening. A well-balanced Fifth Chakra will benefit from good psychic boundaries. If we are not paying attention, we blurt out whatever comes to us. We do not sensor what we are saying. You might even say to yourself “where did that come from.” That can be telepathics that are too open, encroaching on our own identities, and we are not necessarily saying what we think or believe. We can go beyond those surface voices and discover what lives beneath the noise. You have heard the expression that “still quiet voice within” with practice we will begin to hear that voice. We can express what is in our heart. People that have found their voice tend to have an easier flow to expressing themselves. They have tapped into something essentially themselves. A well-balanced Fifth Chakra allows a person to be their unique self.

Have you ever had that moment when you could not find your voice? It may have been when you were in front of a group or in class or it may have been through laryngitis. You wanted to speak, but nothing came out. Do you ever find yourself trying to say something and your voice gets gravely and horse, you choke up, your throat closes? When this happens, you may want to ask yourself, do I believe what I am saying? Is this true for me? Do I have permission from XYZ to share this information? XYZ could be a parent, a sibling, a priest, a boss, a guide. It could be from another lifetime. Are there cords connected to my neck and throat? Is someone judging what I am saying? Check yourself and get into current time with who you are, with what you believe, and with what you want to express. Do I have the authority to say this? If it is true for you, give yourself permission to speak your truth.

Have you ever been walking or anywhere and you thought you heard something? Sometimes it could be a song lyric, a line, a hello, a name that comes to you out of the blue. Listen to these callings. Entertain them, who or what is trying to get your attention? Ask yourself what is the consciousness that wants to flow through me.

Learn more by signing up for Sara Remke’s Chakras and Auras class – meeting Tuesdays January 30 through March 12, 2024 from 6-7pm CST.


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Sara Remke
Sara Remke has been teaching psychic boundaries, grounding, dream work, chakras and auras for the past 13 years. She is a long time student of John Friedlander and Gloria Hemsher's Psychic Psychology. This work has helped her to create better boundaries and to have deeper and more satisfying relationships. She teaches a unique meditation practice that helps people to clear their own auras, discern various energies, release anger and so much more. After owning and running the Black Dog Cafe for 24 years she has now moved into full time teaching and counseling. Sara currently is a practicing End of Life Death Doula and works with the energies of the dying as a part of her teachings. Sara lives with her cat Mama and has 1 adult son. She enjoys travel, water, dreaming and exploring.


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