How to maintain that ‘Fire’ when Life gets busy


Let’s face it…life can be challenging to juggle at times, from getting the kids ready for school, to handling the daily stresses at work, to even finding a moment for yourself, much less finding time for your partner! Amidst the busy life we all lead, nourishing the relationship with your partner is important and needs to be cultivated just as you would tend to a plant on a daily basis.

But what is a sacred relationship? It is where two souls unite together — two seemingly different energies coming together to form one. It is where there is no judgment of good or bad in behaviors but a deep understanding that both of you are experiencing his/her own journey and in doing so can provide support and encouragement when the other person is not at their best and vice versa.

Here are some tips to maintaining that sacred intimacy in your relationship when life gets overwhelming:

  • Connect to who you are at the core of your being. This can be achieved through various methods, such as daily meditation, qigong, deep breathing exercises, yoga and many others. When you center yourself, you will learn to love yourself more. Ultimately, you will know and feel a sense of connection between everything and will realize how everyone, including your partner, is only a mirror reflection of some aspect of yourself. When you have such a level of understanding of the connectiveness of everything, you begin to bond with your partner in ways you never imagined possible.
  • Set clear intentions. When you and your partner write clear intentions of how you wish to live your life together, chances are it is more likely to come to fruition. It is as easy as sitting together for a moment and visualizing how you would like your relationship to grow and flourish, even when things get demanding.
  • Be mindful of your actions. The phone rings, you answer, and it is your partner who says to you, “I just called to say that I love you.” In the meantime, you are gobbling your lunch, preparing for a presentation for a meeting and barely holding the phone! Stop for a moment! Understand that being mindful of everything that you do allows you to enjoy the things that you do with ease and grace. What is the point in life if you are always rushing around trying to get things done? Take a moment to savor the words ” I love you.” When you can be in the moment, and not worry about everything that needs to be done, you are more inclined to appreciate even the five minutes you have with your partner.
  • Be mindful of your thoughts. When you are deeply aware of where your emotions stem from, you will be able to say, “I am feeling upset because of my own fear related to (fill in the blank) and not because of what my partner did or did not do.” When we are able to see how we create our own suffering, it is easy to discuss with your partner how you and he/she can support one another without blaming one another. An atmosphere of trust, understanding and mutual support is then created.
  • Make sharing of physical space and activities possible. How about doing a yoga class together? Or meditating together? As you make time for yourself, invite your partner, every so often, to join in to share in that sacred space with you.
  • Surprises: Doing the little things for your partner counts, from that surprising call in the middle of the day, to putting a sticky note with a beautiful message in his/her lunch bag. Surprises surely keep the element of love young!

I hope these steps will help you in cultivating a relationship that you desire when life gets little bit busy. Sometimes we complicate things when we really just need to take a step back and revaluate what is really important to us. We can have that sacred and intimate relationship with our partner if we intend it and allow it by taking inspired action!

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Neeta Maharaj
Neeta Maharaj is a gifted distant-energy healer who travels the world helping many to achieve their full potential.


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