All of us have at some point checked out our horoscopes either in magazines at the grocery store or online. There is an innate curiosity about the future, our luck, and generally what we can look forward to in life. The impact of celestial objects on terrestrial beings has been a subject of discussion since ancient times. There are just as many different versions of astrology as well, like the Babylonian, Hellenistic, Persian, Islamic, Mesopotamian, Hindu and Chinese, although most everyone is familiar with the standard Western astrology based on the position of the sun at the time of birth which determines your sun sign.
Not many people are aware of an alternative zodiac system called Sidereal Astrology, which has many differences with the Tropical Zodiac. Sidereal means “of the stars”. Western or Tropical astrology is based on the tropical calendar, the four seasons, and the fixed position of planets, and the placement of stars around 0 AD. The sidereal system on the other hand, is based on the current position of the constellations, which change over time. Ancient cultures like the Babylonian, Egyptian, Persian, Mayan and Hindu have always relied upon the sidereal system since it is more reflective of the time of birth as linked to the natural world and the planetary progression.
There is a difference of 24 degrees in the calculation of the sun signs between the Tropical and Sidereal systems which could cause a change in the calculation of the zodiac sign. Sometimes this could shift to a whole sign. For example, In the Sidereal system, if you are born between April twenty first and May 12, you are an Aries. The mathematical difference between the Sidereal and tropical zodiacs is called “Ayanamsha” in Sanskrit and refers to the difference in the number of degrees between the Spring equinox and the first degree of Aries. A popular version of sidereal astrology is Jyotish or Vedic Astrology which dates to the Rig Veda, an ancient Indian text (1500 and 1000 BCE) Vedic astrology is based on the sidereal system where the changing, movable constellations, provide more detailed information. For instance, in addition to square, trines, sextiles and other aspects found in western tropical astrology, Vedic astrology has additional aspects, which highlight each planetary effect on the individual, placing emphasis on the transition of that planet.
As a psychic medium, I often get asked the question, “What is my purpose in life” or “Why am I here”. Vedic Astrology provides a detailed explanation, describing the life purpose and the desire which determines one’s life path. This is the beauty of this science, where you get the answers, you are seeking about your higher purpose, which helps tremendously not only to understand oneself but also others and the complex relationships that bind people to each other. Reaching an understanding of one’s purpose is an epiphanous moment, when everything falls into place like a jigsaw puzzle, and makes more sense with the clarity achieved. What kind of personality we have brought forth as the karmic inheritance of our past lives is seen through the planetary positions. This enlightening information helps us in our life going forward, as we can discern our actions and activities, even modify things that need to be modified.
The rising sign or ascendant is more significant in Vedic astrology than the sun sign. Vedic Astrology is based on the belief that a person’s karma is reflected in the position and influence of the planets, and this principle makes an individual’s natal chart unique. Everyone is subject to the control of time and its machinations. Prominent events in the life of an individual are governed by the position, transit, and movement of planets in different cycles or periods of the life span. Over a period of 120 years, the seven planets, and the nodes of the moon, north, called Rahu and south, called Ketu, are given a specific duration of seven years, sixteen years, and so on, called dashas. While going through a 16-year Jupiter dasha or cycle, the individual may feel a heavy influence of the planet directing various aspects of his life. The houses in the natal chart are divided into four main principles of Dharma, (duty) Artha, (material) Kama (pleasure) and Moksha (enlightenment). Dharma can be understood as duty or purpose in life. Artha stands for acquisition of material wealth or resources, Kama is desire or pleasure, and moksha is the final attainment of enlightenment. Accordingly, there are three houses each representing the four mentioned elements. The strength of the planets and their positive or negative effects are also influenced by the association, conjunction, and aspects of other planets. The overall planetary transit determines the future of the querent, as well as events and circumstances that are favorable or otherwise.
To quote from the ancient text The Bhagvad Gita, explaining the principle of reincarnation, “The soul leaves the old body, and enters a new body in the same way as a man puts on new clothes and leaves his old clothes.” There is a link between the past life and the present one, a relationship which is subtle, yet powerful and shapes events in our life based on past deeds or Karma (cause and effect). We do have free will to make choices and decisions in life. However, destiny plays a key role in determining many events in our lives. Some of these pre-determined events can be seen in the horoscope. Knowledge of astrology comes into play here, as the astrologer can hone-in and pin-point momentous events in the querent’s life, as well as future events that are likely to take place.
Events such as relocation, marriage, health crisis etc. Even the timing of events such as marriage can be calculated based on the position of the planets in houses and the transits. An interesting component of this science is synastry or the matching of two different charts to ascertain compatibility. Marriages in traditional Hindu families are almost never arranged before the matching of the horoscopes of the bride and groom. In the case of a couple wanting to get married, the natal charts are evaluated on a point-based system to judge the future compatibility of the couple. There is a specific number that needs to be met for a successful union. Sometimes, the outcome of this kind of synastry calculation for marital compatibility can result in a cancelation of the proposed marriage. Even today, in many countries like India, this system is considered of primary importance in determining the success of the marriage. In fact, according to tradition, the wedding date is not set until the astrologer is consulted. The exact date and time of the nuptials is also determined according to an auspicious time based on planetary positions. The moon plays a primary role in important activities. Ceremonies are never performed when the moon is waning. Even a ceremony of the last rites of a funeral is arranged according to the harmonious transit of planets for the dead soul to have a peaceful transition.
Predictive astrology uses divisional charts, yearly or annual calculators, taking into consideration all factors presented. This is a complex method, requiring concentration, focus, strong mathematical skills, and a deep knowledge. Fortunately, technology has made it super convenient for us, so we don’t have to tax our brains and calculate like our ancestors did.

The dynamic configuration of the Vedic chart includes the influence of constellations called “Nakshatras” or Lunar mansions. Numbering twenty-seven, the Nakshatras are related to popular asterisms along the ecliptic sector, (each 13 degrees 20 minutes). As one of the most significant components in Vedic Astrology, as well as being unique, these Nakshatras are formed when the 360 degrees of the sky is divided. The ancient Hindu sages further sub-divided the Nakshatras into four steps called “Padas” comprising 3 degrees and 20 minutes. Qualities and descriptions are associated by classifying all twenty-seven into three broad groups, Deva (divine) Manushya (human) and Rakshasa (demonic). The precise location of each step, mansion and their associated zodiac sign provide deeply profound insights about the querent, his or her proclivities, possibilities, probabilities and much more.
A study of this fascinating science is vast and exhaustive. It could take many lifetimes to master Vedic astrology, since there are separate charts called divisional charts for profession, success, health, fortune, and so on numbering over a hundred. Everything must be evaluated to give an overall reading. The calculations are complex and mind boggling. Fortunately, computerized programs have made it easy and more convenient to generate the various charts. Although time consuming, the detail and accuracy of the information makes the study of Vedic astrology rewarding. Knowing oneself, developing and understanding oneself are powerful tools to manage the ship called Life. By realizing your proclivities, potentialities, possibilities and destiny, the progress of your journey towards spiritual growth and awareness is limitless.