An Interview with Sage Lewis


What was the most sacred moment you have had in your life?
Sage Lewis:
There have been so many sacred moments in my life, but what floats up to the top is the most tender exchange I’ve ever had with my dog, Java. It happened during the fourth day of my first Tellington TTouch® training in May 2002.

Java and I were lying on a blanket together at a training facility – following the direction of the instructor to begin using some basic TTouches (lifts, slides, circular TTouches) with our dogs. As I stroked my hand gently across Java’s well-muscled, brindle coat, my sage green eyes met her gleaming chestnut eyes and our souls connected in a dance of acknowledgement – true "seeing."

In that moment, I felt my entire spirit come to a place of complete understanding and acceptance of Java and I apologized profusely to her for my lack of understanding in the past. Tears flowed like a river from my eyes and as Java licked them off of my face, I knew in that moment that my path was to teach awareness. Here I am.

Or, there was the time that Etta James sang Happy Birthday to me on my 35th birthday.

Why are you optimistic about the future of humanity in this time of uncertainty and fear?
I choose to see the possibility for greatness that exists in all beings rather than focus on uncertainty and fear. The animals have taught me that it takes far less energy to choose love than fear – just more awareness.

When we become more aware as humans of how we are making choices in our lives, we are able to realize how those choices affect the world around us. When we make a choice from love, it creates a ripple of love that radiates out. So, why not choose love and joy? Tag, you’re it!

What holistic practice is a part of your life to help you maintain health and wellness and to connect with your spiritual Self?
My spiritual practice is a way of life for me. I spend time in prayer, silence and stillness each day, and I also spend time dancing, singing, breathing, playing, exercising and connecting with nature. I eat a vegetarian diet and keep a healthy weight maintained.

I take time to stop so I can be aware of what’s working within me and what’s not, because once we’re aware we can make a change.

When I am out of balance, I am radiating a lack of balance into the universe. That’s a lot of pressure, so I choose to be the best woman I can be – by keeping my body/mind/spirit engaged and knowing when to disengage or make a different choice.

And if none of that works, I crank my theme song until the windows rattle in my living room and I dance like I’m a superstar!

What single message do you want to share with us from your heart?
Choose love. Joy and peace will follow.

Sage Lewis will present "ANIMAL COMMUNICATION & ANIMAL/HUMAN WELLNESS" at 3:30-5:30 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 9, tickets $15 now, $17 at door – Sage Lewis is the Creature Teacher™ with Dancing Porcupine and is an Animal Communicator, Life Coach, Level 3 Tellington TTouch® Practitioner and Shamanic Practitioner. She is the author of JAVA: The True Story of a Shelter Dog Who Rescued a Woman. Her work has been published in Twin Cities Dog magazine, Twin Cities Wellness, Minnetonka Magazine and Edge Life magazine. Sage has appeared on local and national television and radio and was a speaker at the First Annual International Association of Animal Massage and Bodyworkers Conference and the 30th Anniversary of Tellington TTouch®. Her passion and purpose in life is teaching awareness to animals and humans. Visit

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Tim Miejan
Tim Miejan is a writer who served as former editor and publisher of The Edge for twenty-five years. Contact him at [email protected].


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