Cats Assisting Us with Our Soul Experience: The Value of Felines to the Soul


While I was making my oatmeal for breakfast, I heard Sophia, my 8-year-old, orange-and-white tabby cat, make a high-pitch whine from the upstairs bathroom. At the same location, I found Sylvester, my 9-year-old, black-and-white tuxedo cat, urinating a red urine into the litter box. Two traditional veterinarians diagnosed him with stage four Chronic Kidney Disease. One veterinarian suggested to start injecting him with Lactated Ringer Solution fluids daily. The other pet doctor recommended for him to see a kidney specialist. She said that I needed to make a decision, because he doesn’t have a lot of time.

A few days before this happened with Sylvester, I was having sharp pains going across my back near my kidneys. I went to the chiropractor who does homeopathy and emotional healing work. I left with supplements and a mixed bottle of flower essence for my kidneys.

I felt confused, emotional and stressed about this situation with Sylvester. All I knew is that I needed to get centered into my heart so I could hear the messages that Sylvester and my angels needed to tell me. First, I checked with Sylvester to ensure that he wanted to continue on his path. Next, I asked for Archangel Raphael, the angel of healing, for a solution that I would be open to for Sylvester.

I started searching about kidney disease on the Internet and homeopathy solutions for cats kept showing up in my searches. At first, I was a little resistant, because I didn’t know a lot about homeopathy and flower essence therapy with animals. I made a few phone calls to people who do healing work with animals and they gave me a highly recommended holistic veterinarian who had great success with healing animals.

Sylvester and I waited in the vet’s office on a red-velvet couch with gold-and-red pillows. I looked around the room — at the wooden desk, litter box, water dish, scratching post, salt lamp, and affirmations on the wall. It felt warm and comforting to be in this room.

The veterinarian shut the door and she introduced herself to us. While she was reviewing Sylvester’s file, I noticed she didn’t wear a white lab coat like other veterinarians. She wore a brown V-neck sweater with a white t-shirt underneath and a long blue skirt that came near her brown sandals. She had shiny red straight hair that went beyond her shoulders. She looked away from the file to tell me that Sylvester brought me here today.

Why would she say this to me? She proceeded to tell me that Sylvester has been mirroring my health.

“Do you have kidney problems?”

Yes and no. I have the start of something in my kidneys, according to my homeopathy practitioner. I have heard of dogs that can spot cancer in their pet guardians and mirror back the location of the cancer. We left that day with homeopathic alternative medicine and supplements for the both of us.

When I returned home, I found books and articles on animals mirroring their pet guardians’ health issues on the computer. I am so grateful for Sylvester. I may not be in the same physical place as him, but I could be moving in that same direction if he didn’t bring this to my attention.

The healing process was hard on both of us. Some days he looked like he was ready to give up, but he kept on going. When I found a toy next to my bed in the morning, I knew this was Sylvester’s sign that he wanted to continue on his healing journey. I did Reiki, affirmations and other healing methods to assist him. He was helping me. too. When one gives Reiki energy to another, you receive the energy from source as well.

We continued our work with the holistic veterinarian. Four months later, I had such a strong feeling from Sylvester to get his blood tested, and his results came back perfect. Today, he continues with homeopathic alternative medicine and supplements for his kidneys, but he has been off daily fluid injections for a year.

When you look at your feline, observe and see how they are assisting you with your soul’s experience.

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Bonnie Card Weingarth
Bonnie Card Weingarth is film producer and editor, writer, photographer, speaker, teacher and animal communicator. Bonnie's passion for filming and photographing dolphins and whales has lead her to work with many talented artists with the same passion. She worked with over 60 artists as the film editor for Ascension Guidance Living in Your Sacred Heart -- The Movie, released in May 2015. As a Reiki Master, she stands in the vibration of Reiki energy as she does her work with animals and people on projects. Contact her at [email protected].


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