Diving Within Yields Incredible Results


In our society, where stress is a given factor of college culture, one might wonder how a busy college student could afford to take the time twice a day to sit down, close her eyes and meditate. The general paradigm of our education system suggests that stress is a part of receiving a good education and becoming successful in life. As a student at Maharishi University of Management, where Transcendental Meditation is part of the curriculum, I am grateful to have discovered that the opposite is true. Success in every area of my life stems from the reservoir of deep inner peace, happiness and intelligence that I dive into twice a day when I meditate.

Learning to meditate was not a conscious choice on my part. I was raised by parents who practice Transcendental Meditation, and I was taught by my mother at the age of 10, far earlier than when most young people start seeking a spiritual practice. I always enjoyed meditation, but it was not until I was about 15 years old that I really began to notice the tremendous benefits that I received in every aspect of my life. I could write endlessly about the practical benefits that TM has had in my life: reduced stress; increased creativity, wakefulness and clarity; improved academic performance, self-confidence and social behavior…to name a few. Because I have been practicing meditation for as long as I can remember, I feel like these qualities are simply an integral part of who I am.

I would like to dwell on the deeper reason why I meditate.

The single-most important reason that I have continued to meditate for the past 10 years is the continued growth of a strong, steady inner happiness that permeates every aspect of my life. Through a practice of meditation, I have come to understand and directly experience that there is an unbounded level of existence within me, and in every one of us. This field, described by modern physics as the Unified Field and by many religions as Christ Consciousness, the Tao, Nirvana, etc., is the source of all creativity, intelligence and happiness – and as a side effect, success.

By allowing myself the time twice a day to turn my attention inward to this field of infinite creativity and bliss, I come out of my practice refreshed, and I carry these qualities with me into whatever activity I choose. I find that I am able to accomplish and excel at whatever I put my mind to, without getting stressed out. This comes partly from my understanding that there is a deeper truth in life, and therefore I am not overshadowed by whatever challenges my busy student life may present. And it comes from the experience of deep inner peace, happiness and intelligence that continues to grow in my life every time I meditate.

This is why I choose to continue to meditate every day. No matter how crazy or busy my life appears, when I allow myself the time to dive within, I always manage to accomplish everything – but most importantly, I am able enjoy every minute of life.

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Puki Freeberg
Puki Freeberg is a second-year student of Communications and Media at Maharishi University of Management. She graduated as the valedictorian of her class from Maharishi School of the Age of Enlightenment in 2006. She participated in Students Creating Peace Network in high school and spoke to many students and educators about her experience practicing Transcendental Meditation. Copyright © 2008 Puki Freeberg. All Rights Reserved.


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