
Crow Medicine

A summer's day. Blue sky, warm sun. A meditative walk through woods. Awareness stilled and sharp. Moving with Nature Like one of her own Soft steps, scout walk. I soften my eyes And widen my gaze Sumac, bluebells Nod their welcome Scrub oak. A golden carpet...

Nature’s Joy

Today, we miss the subtle changes in the wind, the calls of birds, the smell of the fragrant Earth beneath our feet. We leave little time for deep inner journeys or quiet walks in...

The Invitation: Taking the Deep Dive

She slides off the high bank and underneath my canoe; she claws at the water as she goes. All I see is her beautiful scaly skin and hard shell against the darkening water below....

Two Interventions

This morning, as I walked around the block, the cardinal spoke of Divine Love. As he sang to the world and his female friends, I felt the reverberations course down through my chest, and...

Nature’s beauty flowers as Earth awakens

Nature is my church. It's where I go to "worship." Every step I take on Mother Earth is a healing blessing sent to her body. Whether I am in New York City, Minneapolis or...

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar coming to Twin Cities

His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, a world-renowned humanitarian and spiritual leader, will speak on "Unlocking the Secrets of Life - Wisdom and Meditation" from 7-9 p.m. Thursday, April 22, at the Wayzata Community...

Unlocking the Secrets of Life

"If everyone in society lives in the present moment, if we are able to accept people as they are, there will be no problems, no strife." -- His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar As founder...

Women Gathering to Change Ourselves and the World

In the past three weeks, I've been speaking and listening and feeling a shift in the field, as women increasingly want to be involved in contributing their way to seeing and doing as solutions...

The Answer is You: Michael Bernard Beckwith

What happens when you cross a spiritual visionary with a social revolutionary? You get a mind of enlightenment and a heart of compassion named Michael Bernard Beckwith, founder and spiritual director of the Agape...

Retreat Centers: Why visit a center? Now?

RESOURCES Retreat Centers Community Page | featuring members of our community who offer Spiritual Retreats Retreat Centers: You have the answers you seek Retreat Centers: Q & A Why make a retreat? Why take time and spend money...

Retreat Centers: Q & A

RESOURCES Retreat Centers Community Page | featuring members of our community who offer Spiritual Retreats Retreat Centers: Why visit a center? Now? Retreat Centers: You have the answers you seek Why does one make a spiritual retreat? Webster's defines...


These are my thoughts! Please do not believe what I share in these words, as they are mine! Any truth or energy of trueness you experience within these thoughts is for you to see...

Psychic Symposium features speakers and exhibitors

Three nationally known speakers and authors will keynote "Psychic Symposium 2010," presented by Edge Life Expos & Events from 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, May 22, at Earle Brown Heritage Center, 6155 Earle...

Bringing Your Soul to Light

Dr. Linda Backman, a psychologist, regression therapist and author of the best-selling book, Bringing Your Soul to Light: Healing Through Past Lives and the Time Between (Llewellyn 2009), will present two presentations April 23-24...

New Books

Savor: Mindful Eating, Mindful Life, by Thich Nhat Hanh and Dr. Lilian Cheung (HarperOne) 292 pages, $25.99 Renowned Buddhist master Thich Nhat Hanh has helped thousands of people on the path to mindfulness. He is...

Spiritual Hunger: Part 2

Second of a seven-part series As installment two in this seven-part article series, I will address the pervasive spiritual hunger in our world by making a case for the necessity of unveiling fundamental truths about...

We Can Change the World, One Bite at a Time

My body felt deep truth when I first heard food author Michael Pollan say, "What happens on our plates is the most profound effect that we have on the natural world." Obviously, what we...