The Car Keys and Chess: A Path to Possibility?


The orchestra plays a symphony, sounding like we are standing on the threshold of possibility manifesting. The camera pans into the window of our living room, and the music stops. We’ve just driven home from grocery shopping, have settled alone onto our couch for the evening wearing our comfortable “no one sees us in this outfit” outfit, about to load that good documentary on Netflix.

A friend texts us: “We are headed over to game night at Matt’s house, want to come?” We vaguely remember our intention to be more social. Sighing, we reply, “Ok.” The music starts again.

Later, heading out, we notice we don’t have the car keys. We hunt around. They’re not in the usual places. We look in other places, and then, somewhat irritated, we look again in the usual places (better this time!), but without luck. We sit and start thinking maybe we won’t go to the gathering at Matt’s house. Glancing over, we notice we didn’t put all our groceries away. We grab a grocery bag and start to unload it. HA! There are the keys! They fell into the bag when we came in. We grab the keys and head to the party.

So what new possibility do we want to create in health, wealth, love or happiness? It seems like a bold move for us to attempt to create success again. We have a habit of thinking the keys aren’t there and that thought douses our enthusiasm. But, should we stop looking for the car keys at home? Of course not.

The habit or daily maintenance of eating well or sleeping enough over time gives us the resulting experience of feeling better. Maintaining the idea of something we desire (before it is in existence) may give us the same result of success. Since “trusting” may be an experience that is hard to access, we can instead approach it like I play chess.

“Mom, your only strategy in chess is complete and utter annihilation (of fear, I add).”

I may not be a champion player, but I have won out over much better players then myself. I realized in chess I am either playing forward, or defending with each move. If I can maintain a play forward even when a piece is threatened, that will often keep the other player busy, even handing me a chance of winning. Note: I do lose a lot of pieces when I play, but it’s very exciting.

If we want to “win” at restoring our possibility, we should keep maintaining our offensive position. Even when we get scared, we can make a move toward our goal. When we don’t know whether we will have time, money, motivation or the skill to make something happen, we should view that thought as a threat to our peace of mind. Choosing not to defend, we can instead make another move forward toward our possibility. We might notice we lose our habit of giving up. It wasn’t helping us to win anyway.

In relationships that aren’t joyful, there is a phrase, “The grass isn’t greener on the other side — the grass is greener where you water it,” inspiring us to take action. If the result doesn’t give us the outcome we want, we can take a different action, maybe be willing to lose outdated pieces of ourselves to attain our goal. Love is the game of little moves, generating much excitement.

In health that is not optimal, look for that new activity we haven’t done before, or that body worker we heard about who gets real results. Recovering a healthy body is invaluable. Good health is there. It’s the car keys that fell into our grocery bag.

In wealth that is not abundant, feeling threatened by thoughts of failure, lack of support, or lack of motivation is just a distraction from our next offensive move.

In happiness that is fleeting, do things to make other people happy and see how that happiness functions. Look to see what happy people are doing, and see if they have a key that works the same for us.

Find the key, get to the party in life. We are less likely to lose our “possibility king” if we are willing to play forward.

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Marcelline Harrisonfields
Marcelline Harrisonfields holds a bachelor’s degree in Speech Communications from the University of Minnesota. Since 1999, she has been certified and trained in six healing modalities that she uses in her private body therapy practice in Minneapolis. Along with her practice, she has taught healing courses both domestically and internationally. She can be contacted at


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