Card of the Week – September 14, 2021


Tarot from Conscience (or the Traveling Moth)

A space for tarot reflection for the day, week, or moment it comes across your screen. Each of these is reworked intentionally for The Edge, from the egregore of GroupTarot’s Card of the Week, to center education, diversity, and intuition.

Partial content copyright 2021 GroupTarot, week of June 27, 2021. Used with permission.


For months I had planned on being at Yellowstone with my family right now.

My dad is severely disabled and not in the best of health. Yellowstone is one of the National Parks he hasn’t visited yet, and will be postponed until maybe June 2022. With Delta still strong, even though we’re all fully vaccinated, the risks outweighed the benefits. My mom knew her inclination to worry would not be the restful vacation she needed and desired.

So we changed.

And, interestingly, so too does the card pulled from Journey to Enlightenment Tarot by Selena Joy Lovett, illustrated by Daniela Manutius Forster.

The Moon.
This deck is a lovely gift from the fine folks here at The Edge. Thank you.

Oh these cycles and phases!

Ah this beautiful artwork! The pointillism here reminds me of stars and constellations, and the Sun on the Moon’s face is a very strong reminder of the light we reflect back. Just as the Moon glows by reflecting the Sun’s light, how do we glow reflecting other’s radiance? Sharing light and credit? Uplifting and amplifying other’s voices? This isn’t an invitation for virtue signaling, but for living your values, seeing, dreaming, and reflecting the world you want every day, even when you’re tired and feeling down trodden. It’s interesting, looking at this card from a distance, I see a stooped figure or crawling humanoid with stars on their back, reaching out, being enveloped by the loving arms of the moonlight. The illustration also has lots of humanesque outlines in the ochers and blues of the Heavens. And different perspectives! Seen another way, the arms are also a crescent moon, tips downward…

It is also interesting to remember The Moon comes after The Star in the journey of the Major Arcana. After we come back to ourselves, our unique gifts and light only we have, then we reflect; see ourselves as part of the constellations made with billions of other stars…

The Moon is a card of Mystery and the tides. It could be getting to a body of water will also help you tap into your reflection and intuition.

Or I might just want to jump into the Pacific at sunset as it’s been much too long since I’ve visited the coast.

More about the deck’s creators – Selena Joy Lovett:
Daniela Manutius Forster:

To purchase this deck –

Further recommended reading – Drawing Down the Moon by Margot Adler. It’s classic.


By Kate Mura, Owner of Group Tarot and Creator of Conscience (or the Traveling Moth)

Find out more about Kate in her YouTube interview Welcome to Group Tarot with Kate Mura

Special Offer for The Edge Community

Use promo code “TheEdge” for 25% off Kate Mura’s readings and private coaching

Please Join Us

“I do find the New Moon Group Tarot event to be ever-so-wonderful. Your energy, as perceived by me, is suffused with warmth/friendship/vitality. Amazingly this energy is perceived even when channeled by Zoom.” David Browning, regular participant.

Every month with the exact New Moon, Kate facilitates a New Moon Group Tarot reading.

In addition to shared community and seeing how your individual path aligns with the group’s, every month donations received are shared 50/50 with different b.e.s.t.* organizations. You will be invited to donate through Venmo or PayPal at completion of the session. All events are Live Captioned for Deaf/HOH. Register here

*b.e.s.t. = beautiful. equitable. sustainable. timely.


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Kate Mura
Group Tarot is a unique form of group facilitation that opens the mind to new possibilities. A surprising yet effective experience for corporations, organizations, and other groups to shift or shake up your culture, get new perspectives, and provide a captivating experience for employees, teams, and other collectives to interact in a profound, engaging way. In short, it’s a mind blowing experience that blends mindfulness, theatrical presentation, and self exploration.


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