Taurus Season – Astrology by Celeste’s Cosmic Weather Forecast


Prepare for an energetic shift as the Sun enters the slow and steady sign of Taurus. Venus rules this dependable, practical, and tenacious earth sign. The Aries fire is out; it is time to develop the grit to maintain the momentum to move our intentions forward.

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This earth sign asks us to relish in the physicality of life. Make sure to spend time just being embodied. How often do you do body scans and check-in with how you feel? Schedule in time for stretching to release tension.

Your attention may turn to your finances. Can you create wealth-building goals and stick with the practical steps to build your nest egg? Beware of getting too stubborn and resisting changes that will help you grow.

Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction on April 20th

On April 20th, a significant celestial event occurs as Jupiter and Uranus meet in Taurus. This conjunction brings a mix of positive and challenging events, particularly affecting those with fixed signs like Leo, Aquarius, and Scorpio.

Full Moon in Scorpio: Embracing Transformation

On April 23rd, the full moon graces Scorpio, urging you to delve deep into the shadows of your being. This cosmic event prompts introspection and encourages you to release old wounds and limiting beliefs. Embrace this opportunity for inner work and allow yourself to shed the layers that no longer serve your growth.

Mercury Retrograde Ending on April 25th

Mercury, the planet of communication and intellect, ends its retrograde motion on April 25th. As it transitions, be cautious about making impulsive decisions. Analyze situations carefully before making any significant choices to avoid unnecessary complications.

Venus Enters Taurus from April 29th to May 23rd

From April 29th to May 23rd, Venus, the planet of love and abundance, graces Taurus with its presence. This transit encourages you to focus on your financial goals and indulge in life’s sensual pleasures. It’s a favorable time to nurture your finances and treat yourself to the finer things in life.

Mars in Aries: Igniting the Flames of Action

From April 30th to June 8th, the fiery planet Mars takes residence in Aries, infusing you with unparalleled drive and determination. During this period, you will feel a surge of energy propelling you towards your goals with unwavering intensity. Embrace this fiery passion and channel it towards endeavors that ignite your soul.

New Moon in Taurus: Setting Intentions for Abundance

The Taurus New Moon is May 7th. It is a time ripe for planting seeds of intention and manifestation. Ground yourself in the fertile energy of Taurus, known for its stability and abundance, to set clear intentions for the future. Use this lunar phase to align with your desires and pave the way for prosperity to enter your life. Join Celeste’s Moon Mastery™ workshops on May 5th to learn more.

Mars in Aries: Igniting the Flames of Action

From April 30th to June 8th, the fiery planet Mars takes residence in Aries, infusing you with unparalleled drive and determination. During this period, you will feel a surge of energy propelling you towards your goals with unwavering intensity. Embrace this fiery passion and channel it towards endeavors that ignite your soul.


Astrological Insights for each Zodiac Sign

If you are an astrology enthusiast or simply curious about how the celestial bodies can influence our lives, understanding the astrological insights for different zodiac signs can provide valuable guidance. Explore what the stars have in store for you by zodiac sign in this video from astrologer Celeste Brooks. Listen for your Sun and Rising sign. If you have your birth time but do not know your rising sign, view this video on how to create a free astrology chart.


To learn about Setting Intentions with the Moon Cycles, download the Free e-book from Celeste at astrologybyceleste.com/edge

If you’re seeking clarity and guidance during this transformative time, Celeste is here to support you. Through tailored workshops, insightful readings, and personalized guidance, you can navigate the complexities of Taurus season with confidence and grace. She can be reached at her website, astrologybyceleste.com


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Celeste Brooks
Celeste Brooks is an astrologer, coach, and teacher. Her offerings include classes, workshops, coaching packages, events, and readings. She helps people find unknown birthtimes with the technique of chart rectification. Her podcast, Celestial Insights, offers weekly guidance to surf the cosmic tides.


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