Starcodes: March 31 – April 6



Starcodes for the week of March 31 – April 6, 2023

An active Sun stirs the atoms of history. Our Sun just threw the seventh large X class solar flare of 2023. When solar storms headed towards Earth they create beautiful aurora borealis and turn up the volume on all the astrological aspects. Our Sun’s turbulence is on an only vaguely predictable 11-year cycle, solar flares are synchronous with times when the populace grow restless and searches for new answers, protest in the streets and start revolutions. The arts take off when the Sun is quiet, but it can be hard to motivate political change. The Sun started an active phase as Obama came into office, but that cycle had an unusually low apex, then the Sun grew quiet. We started a new cycle of solar activity in 2020, though it was predicted to be another quiet cycle it’s already exceeding expectations. Political storms amp up in the streets in France and Israel. If one wants to initiate big cultural change, now is a good time.

Look up in the western sky just after sunset this week and see Jupiter and Mercury in Aries, Venus with Uranus invisibly nearby in Taurus, Mars directly above us in Cancer, and the Moon arcing from Leo through Libra towards the east. And possibly the northern lights. Feel that connection with our celestial neighbors and appreciate how huge the universe is compared to our small problems.

Throughout the week an extra strain of competence infuses us when we care about our work as Mars in Cancer trines Saturn in Pisces. If we find motivation and align our actions with our feelings, magic happens. If we want to be elsewhere, staying on track will feel like pulling teeth.

Saturday is April Fools’ Day, we can celebrate that Aries brash humor and the guts it takes to start over again every spring. Though if a wild and crazy thought crosses our minds, let’s appreciate the bravery but think through ramifications before acting.

Spring is in the air, and it’s not just animals who feel it as Venus in cuddly Taurus conjuncts electrical Uranus and calls for a fresh spark in old relationships and new. Just be careful where those sparks land. The emotional fires run hot this weekend as an expressive Leo Moon trines the Sun in Aries. This can start a great party or gathering and feed the drama of ongoing protests around the world. We want to celebrate connection but will take into personal drama if we can’t find a good way to do it.

Our critique sharpens and common sense kicks in as the Moon enters Virgo on Sunday and Mercury enters Taurus to square Pluto on Monday. A plan may change, a dream could be dashed; if this gets depressing it’s important to note the planets are pointing at work to do, not telling us to give up. The present Aries Sun, Chiron, Jupiter, and Mercury can loan us the guts to handle any problem if we tap into them.

The waxing Moon enters friendly and sociable Libra on Tuesday and Mercury forms a stabilizing sextile to logical Saturn on Wednesday. Wednesday night, a full moment in expansive Libra can shine a light on what we need to do to balance our longing for connection with our urgent independence. Look for headlines about the rights of the individual at odds with the needs of the country, and know the real answer takes care of both.

Starcodes week of March 31 through April 6Image by Eberhard Grossgasteiger from Unsplash

Friday, March 31: We’re on the move as the Leo Moon trines the Sun, so let’s get to good places. Make grand gestures, discuss big actions; things are moving though no one feels like talking details at the moment. People want to be seen and appreciated yet may forget to return the favor, but that doesn’t mean they don’t love us.

Moon trine Sun 2:29 PM.

Saturday, April 1: Don’t hurt feelings on this day of mischief and foolishness. Just because it’s funny, doesn’t mean it needs to happen; we can get easily irritated if we feel out of sync with our beloveds as Venus semi-squares Mars. But do keep a sense of humor nearby, give people positive attention for positive actions and withdraw attention if they misbehave under this responsive Leo Moon. Feel the desire for real and substantial change cooking in the background.

Venus semi-square Mars 12:43 AM, Moon square Uranus 2:29 AM, Moon square Venus 6:06 AM, Moon trine Jupiter 7:24 AM.

Sunday, April 2: Do the chores as the Moon enters Virgo and opposes Saturn. We have a busy week coming up and we will feel less anxious if we prepare our soul and our house. Clear the decks, get organized, start spring cleaning. Don’t tell other people how to do it, just get started. Do take a break midday if people get cranky while the Moon sextiles restless Mars; stretch the legs and clear the air. If feeling so moved, make a statement about the world’s condition; write a letter to the editor, speak up.

Moon trine Mercury 12:02 AM, Moon enters Virgo 4:57 AM, Moon opposed Saturn 10:44 AM, Moon sextile Mars 1:07 PM.

Monday, April 3: We can suddenly see a problem, whether it’s revealed by events or through our focus as Mercury enters pragmatic Taurus and squares intense Pluto. If people are upset, let them talk; don’t take it on or take it personally. Calm down the volume but look at what bothers and let it inspire action. Given room to process, people will do their own work. If we take even one action to ameliorate the situation, we’ll feel less depressed and more empowered. Be kind to the digestion, and don’t swallow feelings.

Mercury enters Taurus 10:22 AM, Mercury square Pluto 12:55 PM, Moon trine Uranus 2:28 PM.

Tuesday, April 4: Avoid attaching blame on this uncomfortable or confusing morning, just hold clean boundaries and deal with messes as the Virgo Moon opposes Neptune. It will be easier to drop more into our hearts and see the world’s beauty this afternoon as the waxing Moon enters Libra. We may need to work on the balance between our needs and another’s, or between our individual desires and what helps us create connection; look for healthy, dynamic compromises that work for all involved.

Moon trine Venus 12:04 AM, Moon opposed Neptune 7:49 AM, Moon enters Libra 3:51 PM, Moon trine Pluto 4:13 PM.

Wednesday, April 5: Pragmatic common sense can cool and stabilize an otherwise exciting, even volatile situation as Mercury sextiles Saturn and the Moon waxes full, but do not dismiss any ambient emotional charge. Some personal raw vulnerability could arise that gives us an opportunity for radical healing as the Sun conjuncts Chiron, so make healthy choices rather than reinvest in old painful patterns. Tonight’s full Moon in Libra at 10:34 PM MDT pumps energy and torque into all relationships and loans us a desire to get out of our smaller corner and engage. Ask what we can do together that supports our individual visions.

Moon square Mercury 2:11 AM, Mercury sextiles Saturn 10:20 AM, Sun conjunct Chiron 4:18 PM, Moon opposed the Sun 10:34 PM.

Thursday, April 6: Romance and collaboration is in the air though people may feel a little tired and hung over from last night’s full Moon. Make life easier for one another and feel appreciated. Tend to interpersonal stuff now, it’ll get trickier over the next couple of days. Keep signals clear, people can interpret what’s being said according to their own prejudice and desires. Clarify, clarify, clarify.

Moon opposed Jupiter 6:42 AM.

Provided by Heather Roan Robbins


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Heather Roan Robbins
Heather Roan Robbins is a heart-centered and choice-oriented astrologer, palmist and ceremonialist with 30+ years' experience. Her book, Moon Wisdom: Transform Your Life using the Moon Signs and Cycles, brings real astrology into an accessible format. She's trained in astro-locality, mythic, multi-generational and traditional astrology and uses it at the core of her spiritual counseling. Visit


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