Connecting with the Divine Feminine


It is so simple to connect with the Divine Feminine…really…but even if we have ignored and denigrated her power, her amazing love, truth and grace for thousands of years, we are ready now for her to begin to take center stage on our planet, and perhaps even in the entire Universe.

Call her Goddess, name her the feminine face of God; she is in all of us, whatever our gender, whatever our species; and whether we are rock, tree, ocean, human, animal, bird, deep-sea creature, wind, the air we breathe, fire, earth, metal — for we are all One, and we are all One with Her.

So how to access her? Again, I say it is so easy. The divine feminine is your very Self, your every Self, your ever Self. There are so many flavors, colors, textures, fragrances, rhythms, sounds, feelings, manners of touching and loving to the feminine, to the Goddess, as many ways as there are humans wanting to love and honor her and experience her more in our lives.

To find her, begin anywhere, for she is everywhere. Within yourself and without, far beyond or just around the corner, you can make her acquaintance and feel her glorious and beautiful love. Where the sacred feminine is, there is joy, beauty, true love, lasting peace. And she talks the Truth without saying a thing.

Open your heart, your wise and sacred heart and fall out of all thinking. Be love, come from love, give love, receive love and love, love, love, and you will know who is the goddess, your very own self.

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Astrid Bergie
Astrid Bergie is a mystic, poet, metaphysician and writer. Contact her at [email protected].


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