From the Beyond

Fire Lighted My Way Back Into The Present Moment

I experienced a near-tragic situation in my home recently that opened my eyes not only to the belief that my deceased parents continue to protect me and my family, but it also made me...

You & Your Angels

Doreen Virtue, author of 22 books on mind-body-spirit issues, includingHealing with the Angels, Divine Guidance, Angel TherapyandThe Lightworker's Way, returns to the Twin Cities April 19-20 at Unity Church Golden Valley to present "Messages...

Earth Star Gathering

LAKE MILLS, Wisc. -- Namaste Retreat Center will present two events in mid-August to help uplift you individually and all of us, collectively. On August 14-15, Golden Eagle (aka Standing Elk) will present the "Teachings...

The Tobias Channelings

The scene was Indianapolis and the event was a Kryon channeling with Lee Carroll, about five years ago. I happened to chat with Geoffrey Hoppe, who was coordinating the event and also served as...