
nature is where you belong

This is Where you Belong

No matter where you live, nature is inviting you to take part in the great belonging. The great belonging is that feeling of expansion, reflection, connection, and awe when you feel connected to something bigger...

Meditation & Connecting with Nature

As I patiently waited for over one year on a waiting list for meditation classes that the hospital had selected for me, I wondered, “Is it going to be worth the wait? Will I finally be rid...

EarthTalk® | May 2020

Dear EarthTalk: Can our pets get sick from the coronavirus too, and can they pass it along to people? — J.M., Bridgeport, CT Given that COVID-19 probably originated in bats means that it’s no surprise...

Fighting Kids and Frazzled Mother soothed by Mother Nature

Our connection with the nature of Mother Earth is un-detachable. We are always linked into her, as she is our life source, our home, and our mother. She is constant and never fails us...

Ghost Cat from JD

Many years ago I saw a fancy shopping bag or gift bag featuring a painting of a beautiful cat. It was a medium- to large-size bag, so the cat was life size and the...
great blue heron poem

Great Blue Heron

"Look, I want to love this world as though it’s the last chance I’m ever going to get to be alive and know it." — Mary Oliver, “October” Busy inhabiting my world— blazing car, radio blather, coffee buzz that wouldn’t last— I...

Spiritual Traveler

With eyes closed, arms outstretched, palms of my hands facing upward, I became more aware of my place within the continuous flow of Universal energy, the connection to a vast Spiritual continuum. Keeping my...

When Canine Cancer Strikes

And there it was one day right out of the blue. It's hard, it's round, it's on my furry child. It'''s...a lump!!! Alert, Alert!!! Oh my goodness, as I sit next to her and...

The Power of Nature: Reconnecting to our Roots

What we call nature is the driving force supporting our existence. With each passing decade we seem to forget and separate ourselves from our natural environment, yet it will always be what sustains us....

Earth Talk | July 2019

Dear EarthTalk: What is so-called Forest Therapy? — Larry Schwarzwald, Page, AZ Forest therapy uses immersion in nature to help soothe frayed nerves and restore a sense of mental well-being — and has even been...

EarthTalk® | January 2020

Dear EarthTalk: How are American supermarket chains doing in regards to cutting back on single-use plastics? — B. Weston, Jacksonville, FL Not very well, if you ask Greenpeace. The activist group compares 20 U.S. grocery...

Holly and Me — exactly as it was intended

Holly came into my life 15 years ago while I was still living in Hollywood, California. I rescued this 4-year-old cat from a girl who was throwing her out because she chose an apartment...

EarthTalk® | July 2018

Dear EarthTalk: How do the big gadget-making companies (Apple, Samsung, etc.) stack up these days regarding their environmental footprint? -- Doug Greco, Newark, NJ While some gadget-makers are already prioritizing greener sourcing and operations, others...

Dan-de-lions are Roaring!

Once upon a time, there was a bee called Dan. He had slept all winter and was still pretty tired and cold, but he was getting hungry waiting for the sun to come out...

The Wolf Spirit

It was absolutely amazing for me to witness a Medicine Man drumming himself into a trance-like state, drumming to allow himself to alter his mind in order to help me. He was asked to...

The Healing Sounds of Nature

A friend of mine says this time of year is when her ears are happiest because she wakes to the sound of birds singing. She also enjoys the soft patter of rain hitting her...

Two Feathers

Recently a young woman named Karyn came to visit Minnesota. Her career brought her back here. She had been my daughter Jenni's nanny. They were five years apart in age so they really were...