
EarthTalk® | November 2018

Dear EarthTalk: I'm getting ready to join the electric car revolution now that my old clunker is getting on in age. What's the latest and greatest? And is now a good time to buy...

Holding the Darkness at Bay

An excerpt from Dancing with Raven and Bear: A Book of Earth Medicine and Animal Magic Creator came to Bear one day and gave him a drum. He told Bear that he must sing his...

Message from J-Pod Orcas: Humans Heed Our Call

Editor's note: In late July, an orca mother known as Tahlequah (also known as J-35) was observed pushing her dead calf around the waters near Puget Sound in Washington for 1,000 miles. On August...

EarthTalk® | September 2018

Dear EarthTalk: With all the crazy heat waves around the world this summer, how could anyone still claim that climate change isn't anything to worry about? -- Randy Smith, Providence, RI It certainly is hard...

The Healing Sounds of Nature

A friend of mine says this time of year is when her ears are happiest because she wakes to the sound of birds singing. She also enjoys the soft patter of rain hitting her...

EarthTalk® | August 2018

Dear EarthTalk: Is ridesharing via companies like Uber and Lyft good or bad for the environment overall? -- Jeff Timotheos, Akron, OH Between fuel, maintenance and insurance, owning a vehicle is expensive -- even more...

EarthTalk® | July 2018

Dear EarthTalk: How do the big gadget-making companies (Apple, Samsung, etc.) stack up these days regarding their environmental footprint? -- Doug Greco, Newark, NJ While some gadget-makers are already prioritizing greener sourcing and operations, others...

Time-Entanglement and the Supernatural

Based on the book Synchronicity and the Secret of the ONE "When you look into the abyss, the abyss also looks into you," wrote Nietzche. I read this in the context of quantum entanglement: that...

EarthTalk® | June 2018

Dear EarthTalk: Is there proof that fracking for oil and natural gas can by itself cause earthquakes? -- James Mitchell, Hauppauge, NY Geologists used to believe that "fracking" -- or hydraulic fracturing, the process of...

Horses can teach us about Consent, Respect, Boundaries

"OMG!" she squealed, with that slight American twang favored by today's Irish teenage girls. "He's so adorable. I just want to cuddle him!" Without waiting for permission or direction, she ran towards the big colored...

EarthTalk® | May 2018

Dear EarthTalk: I need to get my roof replaced as a result of storm damage (thanks global warming!). Is Tesla's solar roof a good deal and do other companies offer similar products -- with...

My Spiritual Ocean Retreat

I used to think a retreat was only about going with other people to a place to pray in union, to reflect on life and grow spiritually. And while all of these things nourish...

EarthTalk® | April 2018

Dear EarthTalk: Now Trump is going to allow the importing of elephant "trophies" after all! Where do things stand overall now in the fight to protect endangered species, especially as wildlife now also face...

EarthTalk® | March 2018

Dear EarthTalk: Can you settle this age-old question for me once and for all: Is it greener to take showers or baths? And how can I save water either way? -- Tim Jackson, Queensbury,...

EarthTalk® | February 2018

Dear EarthTalk: I always assumed the train was the greenest form of mass transit, but a friend told me I would be better off taking the bus. Could this be true? -- Jane McNeil,...

Gentle Chiropractic for Graceful Aging

Rowdy, a 27-year-old dressage disciplined horse, greets me for his treatments and his owner sees his comfort and relaxed nature return afterwards. She also notes the return of his enthusiasm for entering the arena...

Optimal Health and Wellness for our Optimal Pets

Nutrition and exercise play such a huge role in health, not just for humans, but for animals, as well. Our pets rely on us to make the right decisions for their health throughout their...