
How to Enjoy the Shift

There is a change, a "shift" under way, that is affecting every aspect of our third-dimensional reality. This shift is so far-reaching that our limited imagination cannot begin to grasp the transition and change...

Shamanism and the Journey of the Mystery School

A yellow moon had risen over the hills. Somewhere the coyotes were singing their mournful song. I was sitting before an open fire with an old Indian woman, her face creased like that of...

Metaphysical Prescriptions for Better Health: A Traditional Doc Becomes the Meta-Physician on Call

Many of us wish we had a doctor like Steven E. Hodes, M.D."Dr. Steve" is a traditionally trained physician with a metaphysical point of view. His approach to well-being encompasses both the scientific and...

The Truth Shall Set You Free: The Role of Spiritual Direction

Who am I? How do I connect with and comprehend the presence and action of the Divine in my life? What are my gifts and how am I being called to use them? These...

How Big is Your God?

The following is an excerpt from the book How Big is Your God? by Paul Coutinho (Loyola Press, October 2007).Stephen Covey, in The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, shares an experience that he...

In Pursuit of God

A search for happiness is the pursuit of God. Yet the reason so many people fail to find happiness is because they look for it in the wrong place - at the market instead...

Awakening: Part 2 – An interview with Leonard Jacobson

Last of a two-part series Leonard Jacobson has been guiding people on the path of awakening for more than 20 years through three previous books and workshops in the U.S., Europe and his native...

Shamanism Courses Offer Connections to Youths, Adults

The time is once again upon us to make those New Year's resolutions. Whether we are resolving to get in shape or meditate more, we are essentially seeking wholeness and integration within our multidimensional...

Awakening Part 1: An interview with Leonard Jacobson

First of a two-part series In this age of heightened security, global uncertainty and climatic change, many spiritual teachers and guides continue to lead the human race toward conscious evolution. Leonard Jacobson is one such...

The Holy in Me honors the Holy in You

In the quiet moments of meditation we find the spacious peace of love. Guided meditation helps remove the chatter of distraction and frees the communication between spirit and mind. It has been my experience...

Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips & Extreme Spirituality

Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips, by Kris Carr (Skirt! Books, 2007) $17.95Wearing her cowboy boots through everyday of the scans, biopsies and batteries of test and re-tests, Kris Carr proves that she is indeed just...

An interview with Edge Life owners Gary and Insiah Beckman

It began the same way all things are created: with a dream. Gary Beckman, a one-time computer salesman who yearned for something much more fulfilling, returned home to Coon Rapids, Minn., from a Mystery...

Stepping up to Our Planetary Role

Christina Rose grew up in Chisholm, Minn., on the Mesaba Iron Range under an "assumed" name. I knew at age 3 that I was different. I thought I could fix how I felt about...

Sacred Travel: India in 16 days

The welcome face of our tour guide on arrival in Chennai (formerly Madras), who was holding up a sign with my name, was very comforting after an endless journey from Minneapolis to Tokyo, to...

A Midwife of Souls

Dr. Jean Houston, a scholar and researcher of human potential, is a leader and teacher who has distinguished herself by melding ancient wisdom with contemporary living. She was a friend of French visionary Teilhard...

Sacramental Mornings

Spreading positive energy in the world begins with our own personal vibration, something can each nourish in ourselves in special ways. Nothing has a greater effect, I believe, than how we start our day.I...

Spiritual Activism in a Time of War

I have spent much of my adult life working to change the conditions that create war. I never imagined that my husband would be fighting in one. He got the call in October 2003,...