Child’s pose is a posture that nurtures you through connection with the earth. You are physically in contact with the ground in a gesture of surrender.
Through my life of spiritual work I have learned a solid truth: healing only happens when we surrender to it. We can only be healed and nurtured when we release our ego’s control over the means and outcome of the healing.
My life has had highs and lows, bumps and bridges, challenges and rewards. I have had nights of crying while banging my hands on the hardwood floor pleading for a win. Now I know that the win comes when I give up my ego’s way and let the spirit’s way take over.
By completely letting go of our “should,” “have-tos” and perceptions of the “right” way, we are able to find the solace we need most.
Child’s pose is a reminder to bow to the earth and spirit — to hand over our problems, stressors, tensions, dramas, and pain to the spirit to be healed. When we surrender our ideas of what it ought to be, should be, and has to be, we can be healed by spirit.
In yoga class, I tell people to take a child’s pose when they need one. They can come down to child’s pose whenever the body calls for it. The earth is always there to catch us.
Enjoy being nurtured by the earth as you surrender into child’s pose.
Start in tabletop with the tops of your feet flat. Bring your big toes to touch. Sit your hips onto your heels. Rest your forehead to the ground. Wrap your arms around your body palms face up. Take 10 breaths, repeating the mantra “I am nurtured.” Namasté.