Companions of destiny are people who you meet by coincidence. There are always many unique opportunities to meet and engage with companions of destiny. At the time you meet, you feel a strong intuitive connection with them. You sense a resonance of familiarity and a distinct sense of wanting to connect and explore collaborative possibilities and adventures.
Through the years, many companions of destiny have come into my life. Some stay for a long time and some come for only a short stay. One of my most memorable experiences happened several years ago. I can still feel the energy of that moment! I had an exhibit booth at a business conference. It was a large conference, and the aisles were very crowded. Wanting to connect with people who might be interested in my services, I kept my focus on the people walking toward my booth. I was ready to connect with anyone who would talk to me.
I noticed a man coming toward me. As our eyes met, we both did a double take at the same moment. We stared at each other. He continued to watch me as he walked up to talk to me. He said, “I feel like I know you, but I don’t believe we’ve ever met.” I said I feel the same way. We chatted for a while trying to figure out how we might know each other. We could find no connection. There were some definite collaborative opportunities in our businesses, so we agreed to meet for coffee.
Before I met with him again, I talked to a few of my psychic friends to ask why there were such strong feelings connected with this man. Separately, four different people said that we were married in a past life. When I met him for coffee, I told him what I had learned. He wasn’t surprised. I told him that I was engaged and going to be married in two months. We agreed that it was a strange magical meeting, but the feelings were a memory from a different time. We were not meant to be together in this lifetime. I never saw him again.
Another companion of destiny came into my life over 20 years ago and is still with me. Lori came into my life when I asked the Universe to help me create residual income for my business. We knew we were meant to work with each other. Our first name is the same and our second name is the same but spelled differently. She is my business partner, technical guru, and visionary. She helped me to see the vision and create my business for the future.
As you become inspired to develop your intuitive listening skills, you will be amazed as you meet and bring new companions of destiny into your life.
A new Adventure begins!
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