Sadie, our Rescue Dog is Adopted


Our new adventure as foster parents to a Golden Retriever has taken on many strides. We have accomplished the journey of, first of all, finding a lab who looked and behaved much like our deceased lab, also named Sadie.

It all began one evening last March when I happened to spot this particular dog on the Tri-County Humane Society’s website. There she sat looking forlorn. She was in rough shape. She sat for the routine picture with a high penetration of heartworms and a concentration of Lyme disease after having being picked up as a stray in Mille Lacs County.

Her belly hung down from having who knows how many litters of puppies. After serving her former owners as a slave to make them money by breeding pups, they let her run full of sickness. If I wanted to do anything, it would have been to hunt down these sick, crazy people who mistreated this spiritual animal.

Their loss was our gain. My recovery from grief was slow, dating back to “putting down” my former lab who had resided with me for seven years.

Sadie II was being treated with prednisone and doxycycline. She was constantly hungry. She grew from 89 pounds to 120. The vet at Tri-County gave me a lecture on weight gain and how it affects the hips of a dog. We wanted her to feel that this was home. My bonding to Sadie II began slowly, as I was still grieving over the loss of the original Sadie. I kept comparing the two. That was ridiculous, since I had not created a new history with our rescue dog.

Because Sadie had been abused, she went through many nights of “soul weeping” when she slept. She cried in her sleep. As a psychic, I tried to get into her head to understand. All I knew is that she was devastated more times than once. She had been asked to come to the previous owner and then was hit on the head. She had been hungry and was not fed. She was used to breed puppies and then the pups would disappear.

I understood “soul weeping” because I had experienced it myself. It is when your soul is saddened so deeply, but you do not know why. The reason has not come into the light for you to see it. When Sadie wept in the night, I told her, “It’s okay Sadie girl, mom is here.” After nine months, this weeping lessened. We were relieved.

Sadie II has one tag on her collar. Sadie I had many tags on her collar. On occasion we continued to hear a dog collar shaking at the front door of our home, as when Sadie I wanted to go outside. Spiritually my husband and I heard our physically dead but spiritually very much alive dog shake her collar. On two occasions we saw Sadie I go to and fro into the second bedroom when my husband Mike was ill. It was totally miraculous! I now wonder what Sadie II, our rescue dog, thought of seeing our deceased Sadie I shake her collar at our front door?

Animal spirits visit us, just as human ones do. We invite those of whom were friends, relatives, significant others and pets! Do uninvited spirits visit us? They can if they think they have an issue with us. Can people who are alive visit us? Yes, by soul travel or in a dream.

The spiritual world is unique once you begin to understand the depths and realms of what it entails. We are glad that Sadie was destined to live with us to heal — and for us to heal from her, as well.

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Valerie Landy
Valerie Landy is a psychic/medium/card reader and clairvoyant. She is the published author of FairyTale to Murder by Satin Maize, My Blogs for your Soul, written by a Medium and many other articles written and published in The Edge magazine over the years. She does spiritual readings out of her home office in St. Cloud, MN. Schedule an appointment time directly on her website at or call 320.267.4218.



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