Love Landing


Something is happening
something so real
so good, so true.

What we have always longed for
what we thought would never happen
what we feared may be lost forever
is becoming manifest right here
in our own hearts
in our own lives.

Love is landing.
Real, good, true
and honest love.

Love that needs nothing –
no explanation
no justification
no reciprocation
no elaboration
no invocation
no decoration
no documentation
no protection
no election
no negotiation
no forced submission.

It needs nothing to be what it is
because it so simply is what it is –
a ceaseless stream of pure goodness.

The only requirement
a soft and open heart
in which to make a home.

Love Landing image by Bru-nO from Pixabay


Fare for All pop up grocery store
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Andrea Gietz
Andrea Gietz is a multi-faceted creative, poet, writer, author and relationships coach. She has a deep and abiding love of the way poetry is able to connect and directly speak to the soul. She is the curator and editor of a poetry anthology, “The Awakening of Us”, the admin of the Facebook group Poems of Awakening, and creator of “The Moving Hearts Guide to Real Relating” at


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