Feng Shui Curiosity Did Not Kill the Cat – or Anyone Else


Recently my husband and I moved from our home of 28 years into an apartment. Many reasons were factored into making this decision to move from a place we loved to a smaller and more manageable place.

Prior to the move, since I only had a blueprint to work from, I measured each piece of furniture that I wanted to bring and measured it against the size of the rooms or the wall it would go against the blueprint. I could have brought everything from our house and then made decisions. Not only did that feel excessive because I knew not everything would fit, but also it felt disrespectful of my belongings.

Despite these efforts, I was still curious (as in worried) about whether any of my plans and decisions would be a good fit. Curiosity is an unsettling emotion – scary, exciting, exasperating, and sometimes exhausting. Until the very end of our packing process, each box was packed with items I absolutely knew I would need or items I simply couldn’t part with.

Truthfully, my curiosity was sometimes overlaid with playful inquisitiveness, and sometimes it took on panic. I was curious (wary) about the people we would meet. I was curious (concerned) about how our lifestyle could change. I was curious as to how the place would feel and whether it would become as integral in our lives as our house had. Would we love it as much? If not, then what?

Meanwhile, while we were packing, our cat Louie epitomized curiosity at its best. There were boxes to explore, cupboards he could finally get in, and extra space to wander around as furniture was sold. I witnessed Louie embracing curiosity without panic and without regrets. Did it always work out for him? No, but he simply moved on. I envied his carefree attitude.

feng shui curiosity catImage by Charles Betito from Pixabay

In Feng Shui, curiosity is used as a tool for exploration and observation to understand how energy flows in a space. Feng Shui encourages us to be curious about our environment, to observe how objects and furniture are arranged, and to question why things are placed where they are, much like Louie.

To take the idea of curiosity from a feline experience to a human one, here is an example of how one client incorporated the concept of curiosity into her remodeling efforts.

Lois was a retired English professor. After retiring, she had hoped to fulfill her goal of writing novels. She was divorced, and her only daughter had moved out of the house years prior. She was giddy to think she would have the place to herself to finally fulfill her dream of being an author.

Lois moved into her daughter’s old room, which remained virtually unchanged since her daughter was a little girl. The room featured girly wallpaper and matching curtains, a four-poster bed suitable for an adolescent, a collection of dolls, and a small desk and chair set. Lois moved into the room as it was, not changing anything. She called me when she couldn’t figure out why her writing was so bogged down. Since her best writing took place on the dining room table, she determined that the space she was in influenced her ability to write. Lois was looking for Feng Shui help.

Rightfully, she had identified the problem of trying to write novels for adults in a child’s bedroom. She wasn’t very excited about changing the room, thinking her daughter would be offended. But altering the space to provide Lois with a different message was paramount to her success as an author.

I had her think about making changes from a curiosity perspective with “What if…” “What if you took out the four-poster bed?” It would enable her to get a bigger desk, making writing an easier task. Lois had to ponder that idea. She was curious enough to consider making the change and seeing how she felt.

Soon we were discussing another “What if…” “What if you removed the wallpaper and painted the walls your favorite color?” Curiosity has an inquisitive side. A suggestion such as this would get her thinking about what that new idea might feel like and look like. Colors can impact mood and creativity. Feng Shui advises choosing colors that align with the writer’s intentions and personality. For example, blue promotes calmness and yellow promotes creativity.

What if the doll collection was put somewhere else? A cluttered workspace can create a sense of chaos and inhibit creativity. Feng Shui encourages removing excess items from the workspace to promote clarity and organization.

What if the chair was replaced with a more professional one that a successful author might use (hint)? Not just the choice of seating but the placement of the desk is crucial to harnessing positive energy flow. It is best to place the desk in a commanding position with a view of the door, allowing the writer to feel more in control and aware of their surroundings.

Eventually, Lois was posing her own curious suggestions: “What would happen if I replaced the carpet with something more professional?” Little by little, over time, Lois made all these changes. A few months after our appointment, Lois called to say she had a book offer from a publisher. Her curiosity paid off. Feng Shui principles allowed Lois to create a more harmonious and inspiring workspace, optimizing her writing potential.

Back to my own story, my husband and I moved into our place with many forethoughts about what would go where and, for the most part, all that planning worked. I kept curiosity to a minimum because, frankly, it scared me. I guess I thought it would ‘kill’ me. After all, curiosity does kill cats, or so I’ve heard. I felt like my curiosity would get out of control if I let it. But, despite everything mentioned earlier, there were instances where a curious approach was employed to resolve a situation that felt off – showing me that despite my efforts to push things into being ‘right,’ I had to defer to curiosity. “What if…” and “Let’s try it” became my mottos.

By adopting a curious mindset, we can gain a deeper understanding of the energy flow within a space and identify any potential blockages or negative influences. This approach enables us to make informed decisions about how to modify our environment to optimize the energy flow and alter those things that ‘feel off.’

As you can see, curiosity is an essential aspect of the Feng Shui practice as it empowers us to explore our surroundings and develop a more profound connection to our environment, like Louie.

Of course, Louie had new places to investigate and new ways to manifest his curiosity after our move. I watch him stick his little nose into an unknown place – cautious yet fearless. From the expression on his face, I can see he’s stimulated by these new things, throwing out the belief that curiosity would kill him. I’m working to be more like Louie. What if curiosity is a fun thing?

Would you like to explore how Feng Shui can assist you in accomplishing your objectives? Look no further than the Edge Partner Directory to locate a skilled consultant and transform your home or workspace.

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Carole J. Hyder
Carole J. Hyder can help you create a space that you love, a space where you thrive, where you always want to be – a space that is remarkable. Let Carole help you find the soul, or essence, of your home or office using both traditional and modern Feng Shui principles. Experience what it means to have a space that quietly and steadily supports and shelters you. Get started by scheduling your consultation at carolehyder.com.


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