Starcodes: December 29 – January 4


Starcodes reading for the week of December 29 – January 4, 2024

This weekend brings the quiet dark before the dawn of a new, change-packed year. 2024 spotlights our relationship to our local, national, and global community and asks us to not take those relationships for granted. As Pluto enters Aquarius this year the planets will ask us whether our country, our groups, or our circles, now split apart, or are we willing to work together for our common goals.

Pluto starts the year in Capricorn, enters Aquarius on January 20 (where it dipped into last April-June), and re-enters Capricorn September 1. On November 19 it shifts to Aquarius until 2043.

Pluto spends decades in a sign and brings the nature of that sign to the edge for transformation. Pluto in ambitious Capricorn (2008-2024) heralded both a burst of progressive politics and a backlash against it, brough a rash of dictatorial behavior, re-energized patriarchy around the globe as well as our resistance to it, and questioned the very structure of architecture, organization, and government.

Pluto in Aquarius now turns our focus towards collective action, both to empower the people and make us deal with the specter of mob rule. Pluto last worked through Aquarius during the crafting of the US Constitution, a time when many countries questioned monarchies and worked to develop a fair democracy.

The world is now crowded, Pluto in Aquarius asks how we can accommodate all these individual human souls and still support personal individuality and the larger circle of our ecosystem. Whether these forms are healthy or oppressive will depend on our ability to create truly diverse inclusivity and the larger circle of our ecosystem.

Throughout 2024 we need to assess how we feel about our circles of connection and whether our circles feed us. Are we creating sustainable ecologies where we get out as much as we put in, and give as much as we receive? If not, then it’s time to change the process and trim, reorganize, and re-center so our interdependent web grows into a healthy future.

Early in 2024 we can expect confrontations with outmoded ideas, with our inner resistance to our growth. We can also expect confrontations and arguments already in motion to continue apace. But the era is getting ready to shift, let’s look for people with a vision of life beyond the fight, a vision of how we can thrive. Let’s search for a fresh vision within ourselves of a place beyond our inner conflicts where all parts of us can thrive.

Look for an impatient surge for ingenuity, freedom, and technological leaps forward as change-inducing Uranus turns direct after many months retrograde on January 27 and approaches a conjunction with expansive, far-sighted Jupiter on April 20, just as Mars conjunct Neptune in Pisces, a combination which inspires ingenuity an impatient surge for both freedom and a technological leap forward, making this an important time to step towards our future. We can prepare now.

Back to this week – feel a festive lift as Venus leaves Scorpio and enters Sagittarius under Friday and Saturday ‘s convivial if stubborn Leo Moon. The Moon enters more subdued Virgo early Sunday morning, potentially dampening the party spirit for New Year’s Eve but inspiring in-depth conversation and a great chance to clear the decks of clutter or cluttered thoughts. Just watch an edginess that can make us brittle with one another, stay consciously flexible and safety focused.

Remember that Mercury is retrograde as the weekend begins, and so signals easily cross, minor mishaps can happen. Be patient, thoughtful, keep an eye on safety. The most efficient thing we can do is to not do much – let this be a real break to rest and renew and re-center before we start next year. Mercury is stationary and can tangle transportation and timing. It can help us introspect but can trip up conversations if we try to push or strain our relationships with expectations.

The birth chart of 2024, January 1st, New Year’s Day, holds a hopeful grand trine in earth signs between the sun, Moon, and Jupiter which reminds us to stay grounded and take pragmatic steps towards good ideas throughout the year. Mercury turns direct in Sagittarius and gets us off to a slow but honest start. But the action will speed up soon.

Although we are quickly beckoned back to work as Mercury turns direct on Monday, it’s best to start slow and consider our next move with care. Start at home on personal projects, then take it back out into the world on Tuesday and Wednesday when it’s easier to see the road ahead. The Moon enters sociable Libra late Tuesday and helps us gather our teams. Loving relationships can get rocky in swirling changes unless we remember to nurture our loves even as we get busy.

New work kicks in on Thursday as Mars enters competent, ambitious Capricorn. It’s time to state our intentions and go remake our world.

starcodes week of December 29 through January 4

Friday, December 29: Notice a feeling of having given too much, done too much for other people recently; instead of resenting the others, let’s take care of ourselves. Afternoon grows more playful as Venus enters Sagittarius, evening can be quite celebratory. Take a moment to be playful.

Moon square Jupiter 4:17 AM, Venus enters Sagittarius 1:23 PM.

Saturday, December 30: It furthers to spend time outside or with animals, or with people with which we can be absolutely ourselves, and reach a new level of honesty with ourselves in the process. Jupiter turns direct tonight after many months retrograde and opens our sense of possibility. Tonight is a good party night if we stay kind and safety-conscious, and release assumptions.

Moon square Uranus 7:38 AM, Moon trine Mercury 1:59 PM, Jupiter turns direct 7:40 PM, Moon trine Mars 10:18 PM.

Sunday, December 31: This New Year’s Eve is more subdued than festive, a time to assess our responsibilities, review the year behind and set some thoughtful intentions for the year ahead. Don’t make them specific, as Mercury is still very retrograde, but listen to the core of where we need to go in the year ahead.

Moon enters Virgo 4:53 AM, Moon square Venus 9:22 AM, Moon opposed Saturn 11:23 AM, Moon trine Jupiter 4:10 PM.

Monday, January 1: Happy new year! Don’t be hard on someone with a hangover, our self-assessment will do that work without outside help. We may feel a bit grumpy, not particularly affectionate or enthusiastic, but can take our responsibilities seriously as Venus square Saturn. It furthers to eat cleanly, clean the house, let that Virgo Moon prepare us to turn around. Expect some turbulence as Mercury turns direct tonight at 8:07 PM MDT, but afterwards we can begin to see around the corner.

Moon trine Sun 1:58 AM, Venus square Saturn 6:26 AM, Mercury turns stations direct 8:07 PM, Moon trine Uranus 8:09 PM.

Tuesday, January 2: Mercury is still stationary, so it’s not time to leap ahead but it is time to pick up the loose ends and assess the situation on the ground. Organize, sort, communicate. As the Moon enters sociable Libra tonight and Venus quincunx Jupiter, get right with one another; let affection be a foundation for the next year ahead.

Moon trine Mercury 1:54 AM, Moon opposed Neptune 7:49 AM, Moon square Mars 3:13 PM, Moon trine Pluto 4:36 PM, Moon enters Libra 5:46 PM.

Wednesday, January 3: Today is a good day to make overtures, reach out, sketch in the new sense of aesthetics, prepare an overture. Appreciate beauty, begin to negotiate a more fair and just situation.

Venus quincunx Jupiter 3:54 AM, Moon sextile Venus 5:15 AM, Moon square Sun 8:30 PM.

Thursday, January 4: Be ready to send out newsletters, launch a project, pitch or organize a proposal Mars enters ambitious Capricorn this morning. Actions speak louder than words this afternoon. People can get willful, so let’s not be pushed around; watch their behavior and see what it means about their real intentions.

Mars enters Capricorn 7:58 AM, Moon sextile Mercury 3:24 PM.

Provided by Heather Roan Robbins


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Heather Roan Robbins
Heather Roan Robbins is a heart-centered and choice-oriented astrologer, palmist and ceremonialist with 30+ years' experience. Her book, Moon Wisdom: Transform Your Life using the Moon Signs and Cycles, brings real astrology into an accessible format. She's trained in astro-locality, mythic, multi-generational and traditional astrology and uses it at the core of her spiritual counseling. Visit


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