January Forecast by Kate Mura of Group Tarot
A space for tarot reflection for the day, week, or moment it comes across your screen. Each of these is reworked intentionally for The Edge, from the egregore of Group Tarot’s Card of the Week, to center education, diversity, and intuition.
Partial content copyright 2024 Group Tarot. Used with permission.
Welcome 2024 of the Gregorian Calendar! A year of Strength or Justice, depending on whether you use a RWS, Marseilles or Thoth tarot tradition. I’m expecting a good dose of both.
Here are the cards and messages for January 2024:
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TLDR: May our choices be stepping stones to a better world.
May we all have the strength to find our ways home and to call others home to us.
Also! This month’s YouTube live is super special. I’m talking with an old friend from my Chicago Pagan days, Phyllis Steinhauser. We’ll be chatting about inclusive Heathenism, how to recognize and resist white supremacists in the tradition, discuss the book she contributed to Blood Unbound: A Loki Devotional and look at Odin & the Nine Realms Oracle, a gift from The Edge Magazine. Thank you!
Tune in live to join the conversation Jan 10, 2024, 1pm Central time. Subscribe to Group Tarot’s YouTube channel, then click the bell to receive all notifications to know when I go live. Sometimes there are delightful surprises!
I’ll also be presenting at this year’s StaarCon, “An Open Channel: How Actor Warm-Ups Can Improve Your Readings, and at Convocation, The Tarot Show. Hope to see you there!
Welcome 2024!
All the b.e.s.t,
*b.e.s.t. = beautiful. equitable. sustainable. timely.
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with a personal reading, couple, thruple, polycule or friend’s group reading here
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