Starcodes reading for the week of March 22-28, 2024
Tend to relationships of all types this week. Garden the community network, support work collaborations, nourish friendships and check in on allies as we head into Monday’s full Moon in interpersonally astute Libra, opposed the Sun in direct Aries. Do not take romantic partnerships for granted, give them extra love, consideration, acceptance, and a breath of air. Tend the relationship between social expectation and that Aries – inspires willful raw spark of soul within.
Both the Sun and Mercury now in brash Aries inspire our spring fever and energize our inner adolescent, they can bring rebellion to the oppressed, fuel to a fire, and impulsiveness to us all. But that Aries bravery, shared with all wildlife sprouting in the spring, can overshoot the mark and tweak our sensitive feelings.
Mars, the planet known as the ruler of Aries, joins Venus in Pisces and sensitizes us. We can dish it out – criticism, intention, pushiness, but it’s hard to take it. So, remember that odd clash of bravery and unusual vulnerability – intuitive awareness at one moment, and tendency to drift into illusion or fantasy the next.
Friday begins with a prickly Virgo Moon, able to see the work and super touchy about criticism. We may notice our health needs extra care, fresh food and a work-out. This weekend is dominated by the full Moon, partial eclipse in Libra, which spotlights Libra Moon’s encouragement of love, fairness, and social justice as it opposes the Aries Sun fierce protection of personal rights, whether as a beloved or as a country. We need to find a healthy, integrative middle path.
Midweek, as the Moon enters Scorpio – we can either just retreat and turn our focus inwards- if we feel over exposed to interactions and all the delicacy of relationship subtleties and dueling needs, or we could lash out if we feel our vulnerability has been tread upon. Instead, we could try something totally different where the emotional field is less delicate. This is also true for some deep, long term problems – old war zones, both personal and political, can inflame as Mars semi-squares Chiron, and there is no point in retrying old solutions which did not work. Try something completely different.
Friday, March 22: Our feelings and thoughts cross signals as the emotional Moon enters intellectual Virgo while direct Mars enters subtle Pisces, and those planets oppose. Reel in a judgmental edge and be kind to everyone, oneself included; critique the work not the person. Do not fall into prickly victim mode, do leap into compassionate action where warranted. Tonight- engage in thought self-care and do not push.
Moon opposes Mars 12:33 AM, Moon enters Virgo 1:41 AM, Mars enters Pisces 5:47 PM.
Saturday, March 23: Listen to last night’s dreams, though they could process anxiety more than reality this morning as the Moon opposes Saturn but could point to what we need to do for our peace of mind. Virgo nudges us to get our ship in order, finish loose ends, and prepare; nurture camaraderie through collaborative chores. Tonight, biting wit can cover sensitive feelings; enjoy the humor but be kind.
Moon opposed Saturn 3:17 AM, Moon opposed Venus 6:54 AM, Moon trine Jupiter 9:21 AM, Moon trine Uranus 7:10 PM.
Sunday, March 24: Sleep in this morning if possible as the Moon opposes Neptune, drift and dream, and listen to the soul. Midday warms our heart; find people lovely and they expand as Venus sextiles Jupiter under a waxing Libra Moon. If some emotional story winds up, enjoy, but don’t get caught up in a dramatic future. Stay in the present moment.
Moon opposed Neptune 9:49 AM, Venus sextile Jupiter 10:36 AM, Moon enters Libra 2:37 PM, Moon trine Pluto 6:10 PM.
Monday, March 25: Shine and experiment. This morning’s full Moon shines its light on any tension between our individual delights and the need to make compromises for our relationships and for how we are embedded in our social context. Love up those connections, and yet make no compromises of the core; it’s not a paradox to take care of both oneself and beloveds, though it takes creativity.
Full Moon lunar eclipse at 1 AM 5° Libra, Venus semi-square Pluto 4:57 AM, Sun semi-square Uranus 10 AM.
Tuesday, March 26: Rush and wait, leap ahead boldly and worry, listen to the inner fire and honor relationships, the paradoxes continue. Notice the conflicts within and answer them one at a time, respect other people’s dithering. Let’s embrace complexity rather than letting it stall us out at the crossroads.
Moon opposed Chiron 4:15 AM, Moon opposed Mercury 5:08 AM.
Wednesday, March 27: Impatient tails twitch under a guarded Scorpio Moon and feisty Aries sun, a combustible combination in the best and worst ways. Do not try people’s patience. Let’s pace ourselves and not push our own patience. We’ll have what it takes to handle real problems but can imagine catastrophes in a glitch. Make sure the object is really broken, not stuck, before tossing it across the room. Stay present and find a worthy focus. Be creative around old unsolved problems as Mars perfects its semi-square to Chiron.
Moon enters Scorpio 3:02 AM, Moon square Pluto 6:37 AM, Moon trine Mars 10:18 AM, Mars semi-square Chiron 10:50 AM.
Thursday, March 28: The sparky focus continues, but with more flexibility and creative curiosity as Venus sextiles Uranus. We may notice talent and warmth where we’d missed it before or spot a potential opening and nurture a new opportunity. Be warm but not impinging, we may need extra personal space. Fewer words and more examples further though, so keep to the point.
Moon trine Saturn 5:10 AM, Venus sextile Uranus 7:58 AM, Moon opposed Jupiter 11:58 AM, Moon opposed Uranus 7:45 PM, Moon trine Venus 9:01 PM.
Provided by Heather Roan Robbins